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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: nvl not using index
could have an If Then ElsIf...Else statement that tested the input arguments of
interest (looks like p_loginid and p_firstname), each part having an appropriate
Select that did not use NVL if that input argument was Not Null. In
essence, you'd be tailoring your Ref Cursor to the input argument
that caused the most useful index to be used.
now it looks like just three Selects might do it. One if p_loginid
was not null, one if p_firstname was not null, and one if both were
course, dynamic SQL would work, too, but that can get pretty messy to write and
--------------------------------Jack C.ApplewhiteDatabase Administrator/DeveloperOCP Oracle8 DBAiNetProfit, Inc.Austin,
<FONT face=Tahoma
size=2>-----Original Message-----From:
[]On Behalf Of Big PlanetSent:
Monday, September 10, 2001 5:20 PMTo: Multiple recipients of list
ORACLE-LSubject: nvl not using index
Hi All ,
I am writing this proc does a search in
database based on these in parameters and returns a ref cursor .
Now one more of these in parameters can be null and my query should return
data neglecting null parameters . So I use nvl in the query as shown below
Now my problem is , the query doesnt use index
available on table since i m using a function .
Is there any way I can rewrite this query so
that it meets my requirements and use the index . I have other option is to
create a dynamic sql based on in parameters .
TIA for any help .
PROCEDURE get_alertlog <FONT
color=#0000f0 size=2>(
p_loginid varchar2 <FONT
color=#0000f0 size=2>,
color=#0000f0>p_startdate date<FONT
color=#0000f0>out <FONT color=#ff0000>number,<FONT color=#000000>
color=#0000f0>out <FONT color=#ff0000>varchar2,<FONT color=#000000>
color=#0000f0>, logtype <FONT color=#0000f0>, logaction <FONT color=#0000f0>, logdate <FONT color=#0000f0>, memberpin <FONT color=#0000f0>
color=#0000f0>(p_loginid <FONT color=#0000f0>, loginid <FONT color=#0000f0>)
color=#0000f0>(p_startdate<FONT color=#0000f0>,to_date<FONT color=#0000f0>('1-jan-1900'<FONT color=#0000f0>,'dd-mon-rrrr'<FONT color=#0000f0>) <FONT color=#0000f0>)
color=#0000f0>(p_enddate <FONT color=#0000f0>, <FONT color=#0000f0>sysdate <FONT color=#0000f0>) <FONT color=#0000f0>;
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