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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Number and Integer
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PL/SQL supports PLS_INTEGER as a native datatype: the operations on PLS_INTEGER are performed by the PL/SQL interpreter itself. Numeric types, such as INTEGER and NUMBER, are represented in the 22 byte Oracle number format. Oracle number libraries are used to implement arithmetic operations on these types. Furthermore, the INTEGER type is a constrained subtype of NUMBER with a precision of 0. On assignments to INTEGER variables, precision checking is done at run-time. Both PLS_INTEGER and BINARY_INTEGER are both represented as a signed 4-byte quantity ("sb4"). But, BINARY_INTEGER arithmetic is costly: the operands are first converted to Oracle number and then the Oracle number library is used to compute the result as another Oracle number. This results in increased use of temporaries and data conversion, and, hence, poor performance. On the other hand, native integer arithmetic is used to efficiently implement arithmetic operations on PLS_INTEGERs. The numeric types NATURAL, NATURALN, POSITIVE, POSITIVEN, and SIGNTYPE are subtypes of BINARY_INTEGER (refer to [5] for details) with "stricter" range constraints. There is considerable overhead (about 3-4 byte-code instructions) in the enforcement of these range constraints on every assignment (or parameter passing) to variables of these types.
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Author: Jamadagni, Rajendra
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