Rather than think of them as a table, think of each
copybook mapping a record in a file (which is what
cobol is basically designed to do)...
The numeric levels are a hierarchical way of grouping
the levels... For example:
10 date-created
20 year-created pic 99
20 month-created pic 99
20 day-created pic 99
would imply that the "date-created" is a 6 digit
number comprising three components (yr/mon/day).
Within cobol you could refer to either level to
use/create the records.
- "Koivu, Lisa" <lisa.koivu_at_efairfield.com> wrote:
> Good morning everyone,
> I have this messy document that is known as a
> copybook. I've been searching
> the web to help me understand what the appropriate
> way to translate this
> into a table is. If anyone has a link they are
> willing to share, or is
> willing to answer questions (like what the heck is
> FILLER?) please email me
> directly.
> Thank you!
> > Lisa Koivu
> > Oracle Database Administrator
> > 954-935-4117
> >
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