Any kind of replication is a nightmare (oops, challenge!) to
administer. Oracle, Quest, EMC, homegrown, whatever. As you add more
schemas and objects to the equation you'll need at least person
dedicated to it.
As for the advanced replication manuals, hmm. The 8i set has 2 -
"Oracle8i Replication" and "Oracle8i Replication Management API
Reference". Haven't read any of these. I've only worked with the
articles from Metalink.
Good luck,
- Ray Stell <stellr_at_stell.cns.vt.edu> wrote: >
> I was beginning to think advanced replication looked like
> a reasonable solution for an applicaiton. Then I read:
> Replication environments supporting both multimaster and snapshot
> replication can be challenging to configure and manage. To help
> administer these replication environments, Oracle provides a
> sophisticated management tool called Oracle Replication Manager.
> Coupled with the absence of a config guide, am I to guess
> that Oracle is underpining it's advanced technology with a
> toy OS? This would be ironic, pathetic, and unacceptable.
> Please tell me I've missed the real config guide.
> ===============================================================
> Ray Stell stellr_at_vt.edu (540) 231-4109 KE4TJC 28^D
> --
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Received on Fri Jun 29 2001 - 10:05:56 CDT