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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re[2]: What's lock/unlock mechnism
One can influence the locking of data via the "lock table" command and "for update of" portions of a SQL cursor. As a general rule of thumb I totally discourage anyone from ever using the lock table command. Certainly the process within the server is complicated as needs be, but it is one of the best I've seen in terms of concurrency and consistency. If your having a problem with clients being able to access data that is locked by another client then the problem is either in their application and/or their use of the application. I've seen problems where a user updated a number of records in SQL*Plus and then decided to go to lunch while the statement completed. A second user then tried to update a different column in a number of the same records only to get "locked out". The answer was to have a few words with the first users manager, who BTW was the second user's manager as well. From then on this individual never left a statement just to run by itself & the problem has not re-occurred. In general locking issues are VERY infrequently a server side problem though that is where it is implemented. Instead they are almost always a client side issue. Also, there is no way that I can think of for a client to manage their locks without involving the server.
Dick Goulet
____________________Reply Separator____________________ Author: nlzanen1_at_EY.NL Date: 6/29/2001 2:01 AM
To find out more about the locking mechanism you can try the oracle concepts manual
Helen rwulfjeq <lannyue_at_yahoo To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <> .com> cc: (bcc: Jack van Zanen/nlzanen1/External/MEY/NL) Sent by: Subject: Re: What's lock/unlock mechnism root_at_fatcity.c om 28-06-2001 21:40 Please respond to ORACLE-L
Thank you very much for your response. But how oracle design let server to handle locks. There are lots of overheads because lots of clients can access server at a same time. If client handles individually, They will release lots of overburden for server. And server just make sure that only owner of lock can unlock CS. Anywhere we can find those information.
nlzanen1_at_EY.NL wrote:
All locking is handled by the server, not client
Helen rwulfjeq
.com> cc: (bcc: Jack van Zanen/nlzanen1/External/MEY/NL)
Sent by: Subject: What's lock/unlock mechnism
Please respond
Hi ,
Oracle database system uses very complicated lock/unlock design for
readlock,writelock and row/recordlock etc..... Does anyone know
is implemented both client like sqlplus and server side or just on server
side or just client side. For instance, one user using sqlplus access
database to update one record of table XX. So should be sqlplus's
responsibility to lock this record based on row level of XX table? or
serve! ! ! r is also involved in? Thanks.
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