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For those of you interested in the fortunes of MicroSlop, it would appear that
politics has done it again!!
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Thanks for writing to us in the past about the Microsoft antitrust trial. Because of your previous e-mail, we wanted to let you know that:
A U.S. Appeals Court has just overturned Judge Jackson's order to break up Microsoft Corp.
You can read our bulletin at,4125,NAV47_STO61733,00.html
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Sharon Machlis
Online Managing Editor
500 Old Connecticut Path
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Dick Goulet <> on 02/28/2001 09:29:00 AM
Please respond by 02/28/2001
To:, cc: (bcc: cweditor)
| Patrick
Thibodeau | 58125
Was Judge Jackson a little too open about his feelings on MicroSoft, yup he sure was. Does that mean that his ruling was biased, on the whole no. After what MicroSoft has done to the software and in particular the PC operating system market they are clearly a monopoly & should be disassembled. One only has to look at the demise/misfortune of OS/2, Lattice C, Apple, Netscape, Digital Research, and others to see the light. The only thing in Judge Jackson's ruling that I see as wrong is that he only required them to split. It should have been a 3 or 4 way break up.
Received on Thu Jun 28 2001 - 13:05:23 CDT