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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Speed up massive delete
Well, that IS true (actually I think
its NOLOGGING for index creation). But if you have massive amounts of
INSERTS or DELETES, dropping the index first and then re-creating can
If the number of deletes is truly
large, and you've got spare disk space, and the table can be off-line for a
while, you might try CTAS (create table as select) using UNRECOVERABLE, to make
a second copy of the table with just the rows you want to keep. Then drop
or rename the old table, rename the new table, and re-create the indexes with
NOLOGGING. In removing 3 million rows from a 9 million row table this
method was very fast compared to DELETE.
>>> 06/28/01 10:58AM
Yes that is right. rgds <FONT
size=2>amar -----Original Message----- <FONT size=2>From: [<A href="">]Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 6:25 PM <FONT size=2>To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Subject: Re: Speed up massive delete
|--------+-----------------------> <FONTsize=2>|
| "Ron Rogers" | | | <RROGERS_at_galo| | |> | <FONT size=2>| | | | | 06/28/01 | <FONT
size=2>| | Please | <FONT size=2>| | respond to | | | ORACLE-L | <FONT size=2>| | | |--------+-----------------------> <FONTsize=2>
|| |
<>| |
Hately/ETECH) | |
Jack Drop the indexes first before you
do the deletes will save you time by not creating logs
for the indexes being deleted. On my large activity files I have
created the indexes as "Unrecoverable" saving time when I add
data or delete data. ROR
>>> nlzanen1_at_EY.NL 06/28/01 05:45AM >>>
Hi All,
I have to do some pretty big deletes on a test environment and
they are estimated to take for ever. <FONT
size=2>Are there any options to speed it up?
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