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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: OT RE: 24 x 7 on NT?
Mike, i'm with you there.
alter database datafile '/fill/in/name/here' resize
or right click in OEM and change the size. As long as
you can do the previous then might as well use the latter :)
>>> 06/27/01 09:26AM
>>>More on the same vein. Sorry if this thread is
developing a "me too" feel.I'm happy to use GUI tools when they save me
time. I know what they're doing andhow they achieve their results.The
availability of GUI tools is however a huge disincentive for new DBAs tofind
out how the database actually works and leads to a lack of understanding
ofthe way the beast works as a whole.If your goal is to be a
knowledgeable and effective DBA then you can't beatstarting from the command
line and working your way towards GUI when you findyour feet. That requires
a long-term viewpoint though, and the world isfocussing increasingly on the
short term.If I sound like a Luddite then I've given the wrong
impression; that;s just my
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Hately/ETECH) | |
>-----------------------------------------------------------------|OhI agreeAs a newbie to the Oracle fold I found it oh so easy to dive intostuff with the DBA Studio, I suppose the thing that stops me is some 7 ormore years hacking around Linux and Unix systems. Graphical tools are greatfor some things but you just cant beat the capabilities of a good scriptand Windows will be a lot better for it now it has a good scripting system.What i found DBA studio for thogh was the show SQL button I could set upsome task to do and then have a look at the SQL that was going to happen soI could better understand it.I am sure when we start seeing more Oracle up on Win2K we will see a lotmore scripting on that side to do those mixed OS and SQLPlus tasks.Peter
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