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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: OT - interviewing your superior(fun question)
Let's not get carried away,
here, Jim.
Even if he said something
perfectly reasonable in context, you
can't deny people the right to
obscure his words in a damaging
way. <SPAN
class=856193621-21062001>That just wouldn't be
It's like: "I opened a socket,
but didn't accept any packets" from
the networking class that Bill
Clinton taught.
Message-----From: Jim Conboy
[]Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 6:23
PMTo: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject: RE:
OT - interviewing your superior(fun question)
He also included something like "in
the Congress" in his statement, so it was pretty clear he was speaking about
providing political support as opposed to technological innovation. If
you read the transcript there's not much confusion. But it does make for
some good jokes.
>>> 06/21/01 05:46PM
>>>nope, he said"I played a role in inventing the
Internet"-----Original Message-----Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001
5:27 PMTo: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LI thought he
invented the internet. Just ask him. The best line was "Iknew
Jack Kennedy and You are no Jack Kennedy" said by Loyd Benson to
DanQuayle. >>> 06/21/01 05:13PM
>>>:), actually if you parrot Gore, it would be"I played
a role in inventing certifications".The devil is in forgetting the
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