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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: SMP/MPP and PQO
According to this PQO provides benefits even on a single CPU machine:
I can see how it would if you had most of the records in your cache, so half the query could be worked on while the other half was retrieving the records from the disk, but this wouldn't happen very often. Alternatively, if you had cunning partitions across multiple mount points, and your hardware was capable of exploiting that. Hmmm.
"Koivu, Lisa" <>
Sent by:
06/12/01 09:17 AM
Please respond to ORACLE-L
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: SMP/MPP and PQO
Hello everyone,
I was reading up on the differences between SMP, MPP and how they may affect
PQO (Parallel Query).
My understanding is that MPP is a host with defined domains (like an e10k
with virtual machines on it). SMP is a standalone host with no domains and
multiple processors. I am not considering clustering here.
It seemed to me the only requirement that you really need to run PQO is to
have available resources to power it. For example, a little 2-cpu box that
is pinned a majority of the time is only going to suffer if PQO is turned
on. However, if we had a 16-cpu box with abundant resources, turning on PQO
would help fts and large index scans in a dw-type environment. (At least
this is what I saw in the past).
Also, I was taught that PQO should not be used when a table/index is not
partitioned. However, upon reading the doco, it states that the slaves
split up work by blocks (or was it extents?). Seems to me this could cause
more problems than it's worth (i/o contention?) and partitioning, if done
carefully, would be the smarter way to go. Would the slaves really be smart
enough to divy up work intelligently on a non-partitioned object? My
initial thought is NO.
In addition, on metalink they even went so far as to state it is OK to use
PQO on a 2-processor NT machine. Seems to me the statement that 'PQO
provides no benefit on a SMP machine' is not warranted, unless Oracle
Support was just pacifying the customer who wanted to see PQO work.
Maybe my idea of SMP is too simple. If I am off my rocker can someone
please set me straight?
Lisa Koivu
Oracle Database Administrator
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