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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> CORRECTION To: Destructive SQL Trapping "Alter Table Drop Column"
In the trigger I posted I closed the "get_column_name" cursor at the wrong spot. It
worked beautifully for "drops", but
"adds" complained
Here is the corrected code
pcolumn_name dba_tab_columns.column_name%type; cursor get_column_name is
select column_name from dba_tab_columns where owner = ora_dict_obj_owner and table_name = ora_dict_obj_name;sql_dummy varchar2(1);
sys.x$_kglpn p, sys.x$_kglcursor c,
instr(lower(replace(c.kglnaobj,' ', null)),'dropcolumn') > 0 and instr(lower(c.kglnaobj),'select') = 0 and s.audsid = sys_context('USERENV', 'SESSIONID');
if (((ora_sysevent = 'DROP') and (ora_dict_obj_type = 'TABLE')) or ora_sysevent = 'TRUNCATE') and ora_dict_obj_owner != 'SYS' THEN
object_security.record_destructive_ddl(null); elsif ora_sysevent = 'ALTER' and ora_dict_obj_type = 'TABLE' and ora_dict_obj_owner != 'SYS' THEN
open is_drop_column; fetch is_drop_column into sql_dummy; close is_drop_column; if sql_dummy = 'x' then open get_column_name; loop fetch get_column_name into pcolumn_name; exit when get_column_name%notfound; if ora_is_drop_column(pcolumn_name) then object_security.record_destructive_ddl(pcolumn_name); end if; end loop; close get_column_name; end if;
Warning I'm still testing this.
As far as wanting to know whether drop column was issued, I don't want to loop
through all the columns in the table
when a constraint is created, or a column is added, or a column is widened etc. Yes,
my thinking is that its better to check the SQL rather than calling the function
needlessly. But I have not done any performance testing.
I cannot think of any DDL which is issued against the sys owned tables after database create time, nor a reason for there to be. At one time tables needed to support certain database options were owned by sys, but I don't think that's true anymore; I haven't installed every option. If these premises are true, it is better to stop any DDL against a sys table than to record it, and that's a different trigger. I will probably remove the exclusion on sys tables from the present trigger to see if any DDL against them is trapped before writing a trigger which prevents such DDL.
Ian MacGregor
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 1:31 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Thanks for posting this, I have a few questions. Why you need to look at the SQL statement at all. You already know that the statement is ALTER TABLE, so why not just check for dropped columns.
if ora_dict_obj_type = 'TABLE' THEN if ora_dict_obj_type = 'ALTER' THEN for x in get_column_name loop if ora_is_drop_column (x.column_name) then object_security.record_destructive_ddl (x.column_name); end if; end loop; else ...
Is it a performance thing? Is it faster to retrieve the SQL all the time and only check for dropped columns when you have to? And Is that also the reason for excluding the SYS schema?
"MacGregor, Ian A." <ian_at_SLAC.Stanford.EDU> on 06/11/2001 07:18:21 PM
Please respond to
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <> cc: (bcc: Chaim Katz/Completions/Bombardier)
CREATE or replace TRIGGER record_destructive_ddl_trigger before drop or alter
or truncate ON DATABASE
pcolumn_name dba_tab_columns.column_name%type; cursor get_column_name is
select column_name from dba_tab_columns where owner = ora_dict_obj_owner and table_name = ora_dict_obj_name;sql_dummy varchar2(1);
if (((ora_sysevent = 'DROP') and (ora_dict_obj_type = 'TABLE')) or ora_sysevent = 'TRUNCATE') and ora_dict_obj_owner != 'SYS' THEN
object_security.record_destructive_ddl(null); elsif ora_sysevent = 'ALTER' and ora_dict_obj_type = 'TABLE' and ora_dict_obj_owner != 'SYS' THEN
open is_drop_column; fetch is_drop_column into sql_dummy; close is_drop_column; if sql_dummy = 'x' then open get_column_name; loop fetch get_column_name into pcolumn_name; exit when get_column_name%notfound; if ora_is_drop_column(pcolumn_name) then object_security.record_destructive_ddl(pcolumn_name); end if; end loop; end if; close get_column_name;
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
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