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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Veritas Quick I/0 and Oracle/ Asycnchronous I/O
It works just fine, but I think you will actually get more performance out of a solid state device. Take a look at, they have a SSD device that plugs into the PCI board in your computer... They claim over 60 MB per second of data transfer. And the drives can go up to 500 GB... I think they can even daisy chain them if you need more.
You will only need enough space for the redo logs, control files, and a locally managed tablespace that holds the data.
It only took us about 20 minutes to install one on a Sparc Ultra 5 for some testing. And it works great.
-----Original Message-----
From: MacGregor, Ian A. [mailto:ian_at_SLAC.Stanford.EDU]
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 12:31 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Veritas Quick I/0 and Oracle/ Asycnchronous I/O
Will Oracle use the Quick I/O capability of Veritas on database writes; that is, will it bypass any file system buffer cache and write directly to disk? Is the implementation of asynchronous I/O imnproved in Solaris 8; does one have to use raw disks or does it now work properly with UFS or Veritas?
I need to configure a machine to provide for the maximum number of transactions per second. Our Accelerator Controls folks are at it again, testing how much data they can push into Oracle. They have backed off the plan of having 6000 Beam Position Monitors sampling at 120 Hz write into the database; although., 720,000 transactions per seconds might be fun to try. But they do want to see what they can do. Obviously, the programs which collect the data from BPM's and other sensors needs to do some buffering. But when they dump to the database I need the writes to happen as quickly as possible.
The current method of handloing this via ring buffers and doubly-linked lists. They want to look at replacing the lists with an Oracle database. Our initial tests will be done using a 4 processor ES-450.
Ian MacGregor
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
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Author: MacGregor, Ian A.
INET: ian_at_SLAC.Stanford.EDU
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