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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: LOT (Little OT): Interesting Oracle related URL's.
Just an opinion:
This thread is really interesting, so I just wanted to say something. I have never written a book or published a paper so I won't begin to try and say I "understand" where all of the anger is coming from. But I will say this, if I had ever written a book/paper and was surfing the web one day and saw a link to it on some persons web site, I would be pretty honored. That would mean to me that someone believes what is flowing out of my brain. If they called me bad names and such, yeah, I'd be pissed and I would let them know, if they were in the US I might go after them.
On the other hand, if I was surfing the net and found one of my papers "on" someones web sight, a part of me would be pissed and a part would be happy too. I would definately contact the person and tell them to at least give me credit for the paper if they hadn't. If it was a technical web sight by a respectible person in the field, (not a big name, just someone working hard for a living) I wouldn't care, it's the internet, people all over the world go there for information. Just as some of the members of this list have said, not everyone has the ability to afford technical books and manuals, they 'need' the inernet for this type of information.
People are going to find the information somewhere from somebody, and some
of the people on this list are some of the best DBA's around, I think it's
better that their papers and publications be found. It's that or we read
DBA 101 written by someone who has just read a lot of things and never
touched a db in their life. I don't know, just thinking outloud.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 8:12 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Just my opinion but :
Hosting a document on your site without the author's express or implied
permission is bad.
Providing a 'deep' link direct to a document within another site is OK if
check with the site owner. It's plain bad manners if you don't OK it first.
Linking to the home page of the site containing the document is fine
(unless, as
mentioned, the link is along the lines of 'This bloke is a total arse and
paper is pitiful - here it is').
Another thing I hate to see is links to sites which pop the target site into
frame within the source site.
Also, I'm no lawyer but contrary to an earlier post I'm sure that posting copyrighted material on your own site without gaining permission IS a crime. Perhaps someone can correct me there = )
Mike Hately
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