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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: LOT (Little OT): Interesting Oracle related URL's.
WOWWWWW! I come in and find this thread..
Well, what can I say? My links section seems to be going down the pan :)
Can I clarify something then please guys - it IS illegal to post an authors paper to your web page with out their prior permission.. Got that.. Wasn't planning to do it either - yet :)
What about posting a link from our page to a page on somebody else's site that holds the paper (legally or not)? <-- what I WAS planning on doing.
What about posting links to peoples SITES without their "permission"? I usually do ask the authors of the sites whether they mind a link being posted to their site from ours, and am in fact about to start this exercise off the list, for those site owners on my list - beware :) But again I shouldn't see a problem with this - as it is essentially promoting that persons site (and in MY opinion anybody complaining about this must be a moron).
I guess all I really want to know (without consulting our solicitor or anything ridiculous like that :) is what can I post on our site? We want something that will really benefit a surfing DBA! As many of you know, you visit a site looking for something, you surf the site, and a lot of people then see what kind of links they have - to carry on surfing for what you are looking for.. That's the direction I'm going in.. To get to our site, people are going to be searching for /Oracle admin/performance/tuning/sql tuning/archiving/same for sybase and sqlserver/ kind of key words - so essentially I have to follow this trend to link people out of the site also - IMHO.
Your opinions?
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 08:25
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Sure it IS a crime.
At 01:27 PM 6/7/01 -0800, you wrote:
>As long he is keeping the names of authors on the paper, I do not believe
>it's a big crime.
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