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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: HELP: Hanging Autotrace
Are you kidding? I thought that Oracle adamantly stated that you are NOT to analyze the data dictionary...?
Plus the user who is local can do it in a snap. I can't.
I can explain plan on a very small query, yes.
List, am I off track with thinking NOT to analyze the data dictionary??
-----Original Message-----
From: [] Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 5:14 PM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-LSubject: RE: HELP: Hanging Autotrace
Simple test: Can you do explain plan on some small query ? If it takes long time, then you know that your data dictionary uses CBO and access to DD is being slow. Try analyzing the data dictionary using 'dbms_utility.analyze_schema('SYS','COMPUTE') and in my case it fixed the problem...
Riyaj "Re-yas" Shamsudeen
Certified Oracle DBA
i2 technologies
"Koivu, Lisa" <> Sent by:
06/07/01 02:16 PM
Please respond to ORACLE-L
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <> cc: Subject: RE: HELP: Hanging Autotrace
Hi Jared, yes, good point.
And the answer is the latter, they don't care. I'm the only one trying to help the users and I'm getting the same treatment as them (I don't expect queen treatment. Just for them to recognize that the USERS NEED ATTENTION and I can help). Oh well, this place is so close to home I can entertain myself with other things until I get to create a database in the next few months. I have never spent so much time reading doco :)
Thanks for you reply.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 1:40 PM
To:; Koivu, Lisa
Have you tried approaching this politically rather than technically?
Let the manager of the local users know what you are trying to do, and why you can't do it.
Then maybe some pressure can be applied to get you the privs you need. You don't even need DBA privs, just SELECT ANY TABLE. If the local folks don't care, or don't want to pursue it, then find something more interesting to do. :)
On Thursday 07 June 2001 06:12, Koivu, Lisa wrote:
> Good morning everyone,
> I'm trying to help out our user community here by tuning up some queries.
> Should be easy, right? Well I don't have dba privs and I have a crappy old
> W98 PC w/200-some processor. when I issue SET AUTOTRACE TRACEONLY EXPLAIN
> and start a query, it takes a loooong time to come back. It took me 30
> minutes to get a trace back. The dba (in Arkansas) gets his autotraces to
> come back in three seconds, of course he is where the host is. They are
> not willing to give me a unix account. Gee, I wouldn't trust me either.
> I'm such an OS hacker (yea, right) and a huge threat (puh-lease) and for
> petes sake I am trying to help the users - something him and his team
> absolutely do not do.
> Has anyone seen this before?
> > Lisa Koivu
> > Oracle Database Administrator
> > 954-935-4117
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