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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: DB versions
We use PVCS version manager to store our code base. The entire database,
including physical and logical structures and program units are built from
scripts maintained in our PVCS archive. It allows version labels to be
applied (dev, test, etc.). A CM type promotes code to the appropriate
instance when it has been accepted (at least in theory). This often ends up
being the DBA (me).
Not as elegant as a journaling file system -
Can I get an "A-men!" for a journaling RDBMS!?!?!? -
but it seems to work with a minimum of hassle...
Scott Shafer
San Antonio, TX
"And no amount of training or preparedness can eliminate the almost certainty that in the middle of your Angry Crane stance, as you transition to your Combative Monkey to administer the Coup de Grāce via your Ninja Death Touch, you step on a beer bottle and fall backwards into the juke box and get your head stove in by a drunk with a pool cue." --Jay Trigg
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Huntley []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 1:45 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Subject: DB versions
> I'd appreciate any info. anyone could provide on what method you use to
> track database changes that have been implemented in
> dev, test, stage and production. I need a way of tracking frequent
> modifications to tables, packages, etc.. and wanted to get some input on
> how
> others are handling this.
> TIA,
> Richard Huntley
> E-mail:
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