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RE: problem with trunc()

From: Lisa Koivu <>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 08:19:36 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Steve, we need to see you explain plan! Can you at least post an autotrace?  it's possible you have wide range scans going on, even with an index.  Send us your autotrace, the query does not have to execute in order for that to be done

SET AUTOTRACE TRACEONLY EXPLAIN and execute the query.  It will just give you the plan. Lisa Koivu
Oracle Database Administrator

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-----Original Message-----

From:   Steve Sapovits []
Sent:   Thursday, May 31, 2001 12:01 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject:        problem with trunc()

I have a query that contains these lines as part of the WHERE clause:

  WHERE trunc(it.transaction_date) = to_date('May-19-2001', 'Mon-dd-yyyy')

This works fine -- the query returns in about a minute, which is what I'd expect for the table sizes, the rest of the joins, etc.

Changing to the following causes the time to go to about 7 hours!

  WHERE trunc(it.transaction_date) BETWEEN
        to_date('May-19-2001', 'Mon-dd-yyyy') AND         to_date('May-28-2001', 'Mon-dd-yyyy')

Changing the BETWEEN to >= AND <= gives the same long results.

What makes it go back to normal is dropping the trunc(), or otherwise rewriting it so there is no trunc().  So I have a workaround.  But I'm curious why there'd be such a huge difference.  Running just the BETWEEN piece by itself works fine.

This is Oracle 8.1.6 on Solaris.  I've tried indexing the transaction_date column both as transaction_date and trunc(transaction_date) but there's no difference.  I've used both individual column indexes and combined with other WHERE clause columns used. 

One web site I found said there's an 8i bug creating functional indexes using
trunc() but I have not verified that.

I've started to analyze but SQL*Plus autotrace takes almost as long to return (7 hours) so it's not too useful at this point.

Steve Sapovits
Global Sports Interactive
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Author: Steve Sapovits

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Received on Thu May 31 2001 - 10:19:36 CDT

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