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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Script to compare two schemas
On Thursday 24 May 2001 17:20, Helmut Daiminger wrote: > Does anybody out there have a script to compare to database schemas and > list the differences?
I'm forwarding a post I made on this topic a few days ago.
The database compare script didn't come out to well the first time, so I've just embedded them in this post.
The scripts are:
rem TITLE.SQL - This SQL*Plus script builds a standard report rem heading for database reports that are XX columns rem column TODAY NEW_VALUE CURRENT_DATE NOPRINT column TIME NEW_VALUE CURRENT_TIME NOPRINT column DATABASE NEW_VALUE DATA_BASE NOPRINTset term off feed off
SQL.PNO SKIP 1 LEFT "Time: " current_time CENTER heading RIGHT - format a15 SQL.USER SKIP 1 CENTER format a20 data_base SKIP 2rem
TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'HH:MI AM') TIME, --DATABASE||' Database' DATABASE, --rtrim(database) passout name||' Database' DATABASE, lower(rtrim(name)) passout
col blocks format 99,999,999 head 'BLOCKS'
col db_link format a30 head 'DB LINK' col db_link_instance format a30 head 'DB LINK|INSTANCE' col db_link_username format a10 head 'DB LINK|USERNAME'col empty_blocks format 99,999,999 head 'EMPTY BLOCKS' col host format a10 head 'HOST'
col max_blocks format 9,999,999 head 'MAX BLOCKS' col max_bytes format 99,999,999,999 head 'MAX BYTES' col max_extents format 999,999 head 'MAX|EXTENTS' col min_extents format 999 head 'MIN|EXT'col next_extent format 9,999,999,999 head 'NEXT|EXTENT' col object_name format a30 head 'OBJECT NAME' col owner format a10 head 'OWNER'
col pct_free format 999 head 'PCT|FREE' col pct_increase format 999 head 'PCT|INC' col pct_used format 999 head 'PCT|USED'
col package_name format a30 head 'PACKAGE NAME' col package_body_name format a30 head 'PACKAGE BODY NAME' col segment_name format a30 head 'SEGMENT NAME' ----------------------
clear col
clear break
clear computes
btitle ''
ttitle ''
btitle off
ttitle off
col cuser_1 noprint new_value uuser_1
col cuser_2 noprint new_value uuser_2
col cinstance_1 noprint new_value uinstance_1
col cinstance_2 noprint new_value uinstance_2
prompt schema_diff will report differences in tables
prompt between any 2 users on any 2 databases
set term on feed on
prompt User 1:
set term off feed off
select upper('&1') cuser_1 from dual;
set term on feed on
prompt instance 1:
set term off feed off
select upper('&2') cinstance_1 from dual;
set term on feed on
prompt User 2:
set term off feed off
select upper('&3') cuser_2 from dual;
set term on feed on
prompt instance 2:
set term off feed off
select upper('&4') cinstance_2 from dual;
set term on feed on
drop table table_diff;
create table table_diff as
select table_name, column_name, data_type, data_length, data_precision,
from all_tab_columns@&&uinstance_1
where 1=2
alter table table_diff add( instance varchar2(8) );
create index table_diff_idx on table_diff ( table_name, column_name, instance );
insert into table_diff ( table_name, column_name, data_type, data_length, data_precision, data_scale )
select table_name, column_name, data_type, data_length, data_precision, data_scale
from all_tab_columns@&&uinstance_1 where owner = '&&uuser_1' minus select table_name, column_name, data_type, data_length, data_precision, data_scale from all_tab_columns@&&uinstance_2 where owner = '&&uuser_2'
update table_diff set instance = '&&uinstance_1';
insert into table_diff ( table_name, column_name, data_type, data_length, data_precision, data_scale )
select table_name, column_name, data_type, data_length, data_precision, data_scale
from all_tab_columns@&&uinstance_2 where owner = '&&uuser_2' minus select table_name, column_name, data_type, data_length, data_precision, data_scale from all_tab_columns@&&uinstance_1 where owner = '&&uuser_1'
update table_diff set instance = '&&uinstance_2' where instance is null;
drop table index_diff;
create table index_diff as
select index_name, table_name, column_name, column_position, column_length
from all_ind_columns@&&uinstance_1
where 1=2
alter table index_diff add( instance varchar2(8) );
create index index_diff_idx on index_diff (
table_name, column_name, column_position, column_length)
insert into index_diff ( index_name, table_name, column_name, column_position, column_length )
select index_name, table_name, column_name, column_position, column_length from all_ind_columns@&&uinstance_1 where index_owner = '&&uuser_1' minus select index_name, table_name, column_name, column_position, column_length from all_ind_columns@&&uinstance_2 where index_owner = '&&uuser_2'
update index_diff set instance = '&&uinstance_1';
insert into index_diff ( index_name, table_name, column_name, column_position, column_length )
select index_name, table_name, column_name, column_position, column_length from all_ind_columns@&&uinstance_2 where index_owner = '&&uuser_2' minus select index_name, table_name, column_name, column_position, column_length from all_ind_columns@&&uinstance_1 where index_owner = '&&uuser_1'
update index_diff set instance = '&&uinstance_2' where instance is null;
drop table arg_diff;
create table arg_diff as
obj# obj# ,procedure$ procedure ,argument argument ,type type
,sequence# sequence
,default# "DEFAULT" ,in_out in_out ,level# "LEVEL" ,length length ,precision "PRECISION"
alter table arg_diff add( instance varchar2(8), object_name varchar2(30),
object_type varchar2(13) );
alter table arg_diff modify( obj# null );
create index arg_diff_idx on arg_diff ( obj#, argument, type );
insert into arg_diff
( object_name, object_type, procedure, argument, type, overload,position,
"DEFAULT", in_out, "LEVEL", length, "PRECISION", scale, radix ) select obj.object_name ,obj.object_type ,arg.procedure$ ,arg.argument ,arg.type ,arg.overload# ,arg.position ,arg.sequence# ,arg.default# ,arg.in_out ,arg.level# ,arg.length ,arg.precision ,arg.scale ,arg.radix from sys.argument$@&&uinstance_1 arg, dba_objects@&&uinstance_1 obj where arg.obj# = obj.object_id and obj.owner = '&&uuser_1' minus select obj.object_name ,obj.object_type ,arg.procedure$ ,arg.argument ,arg.type ,arg.overload# ,arg.position ,arg.sequence# ,arg.default# ,arg.in_out ,arg.level# ,arg.length ,arg.precision ,arg.scale ,arg.radix from sys.argument$@&&uinstance_2 arg, dba_objects@&&uinstance_2 obj where arg.obj# = obj.object_id and obj.owner = '&&uuser_2'
update arg_diff
set instance = '&&uinstance_1'
drop table remote_dba_objects;
drop table remote_arguments;
create table remote_dba_objects
select *
from dba_objects@&&uinstance_1
create index remote_dba_object_idx1
on remote_dba_objects( object_type, object_id )
create index remote_dba_object_idx2
on remote_dba_objects( object_id )
create table remote_arguments
obj#, procedure$,overload#,position,sequence#,level#, argument,type,default#,in_out,length,precision,scale, radix,deflength
create index remote_arguments_idx1
on remote_arguments( argument, type )
update arg_diff diff
set obj# = (
select obj# from remote_arguments arg, remote_dba_objects obj where arg.obj# = obj.object_id and obj.object_name = diff.object_name and obj.object_type = diff.object_type and obj.owner = '&&uuser_1' and nvl(arg.procedure$, 'NONE') = nvl(diff.procedure, 'NONE') and arg.argument = diff.argument and arg.type = diff.type and arg.overload# = diff.overload and diff.instance = '&&uinstance_1')
insert into arg_diff
( object_name, object_type, procedure, argument, type, overload,position,
"DEFAULT", in_out, "LEVEL", length, "PRECISION", scale, radix ) select obj.object_name ,obj.object_type ,arg.procedure$ ,arg.argument ,arg.type ,arg.overload# ,arg.position ,arg.sequence# ,arg.default# ,arg.in_out ,arg.level# ,arg.length ,arg.precision ,arg.scale ,arg.radix from sys.argument$@&&uinstance_2 arg, dba_objects@&&uinstance_2 obj where arg.obj# = obj.object_id and obj.owner = '&&uuser_2' minus select obj.object_name ,obj.object_type ,arg.procedure$ ,arg.argument ,arg.type ,arg.overload# ,arg.position ,arg.sequence# ,arg.default# ,arg.in_out ,arg.level# ,arg.length ,arg.precision ,arg.scale ,arg.radix from sys.argument$@&&uinstance_1 arg, dba_objects@&&uinstance_1 obj where arg.obj# = obj.object_id and obj.owner = '&&uuser_1'
update arg_diff
set instance = '&&uinstance_2'
where instance is null
drop table remote_dba_objects;
drop table remote_arguments;
create table remote_dba_objects
select *
from dba_objects@&&uinstance_2
create index remote_dba_object_idx1
on remote_dba_objects( object_type, object_id )
create index remote_dba_object_idx2
on remote_dba_objects( object_id )
create table remote_arguments
obj#, procedure$,overload#,position,sequence#,level#, argument,type,default#,in_out,length,precision,scale, radix,deflength
create index remote_arguments_idx1
on remote_arguments( argument, type )
update arg_diff diff
set obj# = (
select obj# from remote_arguments arg, remote_dba_objects obj where arg.obj# = obj.object_id and obj.object_name = diff.object_name and obj.object_type = diff.object_type and obj.owner = '&&uuser_2' and nvl(arg.procedure$, 'NONE') = nvl(diff.procedure, 'NONE') and arg.argument = diff.argument and arg.type = diff.type and arg.overload# = diff.overload and diff.instance = '&&uinstance_2')
drop table remote_dba_objects;
drop table remote_arguments;
break on table_name on column_name on username
col data_precision format 999999 head 'PREC' col data_scale format 999999 head 'SCALE' col data_length format 999999 head 'LENGTH'col column_name format a30 head 'COLUMN NAME'
set trimspool on
spool table_diff.txt
@title 'Table Diffs User1: &&uuser_1@&&uinstance_1 User2: &&uuser_2@&&uinstance_2' 120
t1.table_name, t1.column_name, '&&uuser_1' username, instance, t1.data_type, t1.data_precision, t1.data_scale, t1.data_length
and t1.table_name = d1.table_name and t1.column_name = d1.column_name and d1.instance = '&&uinstance_1'
t2.table_name, t2.column_name, '&&uuser_2' username, instance, t2.data_type, t2.data_length, t2.data_scale, t2.data_precision
and t2.table_name = d2.table_name and t2.column_name = d2.column_name and d2.instance = '&&uinstance_2'
break on index_name on table_name
col data_precision format 999999 head 'PREC' col data_scale format 999999 head 'SCALE' col data_length format 999999 head 'LENGTH'col column_name format a30 head 'COLUMN NAME'
col column_position format 999 head 'COL|POS' col column_length format 99999 head 'COL|LEN'
@title 'Index Diffs User1: &&uuser_1@&&uinstance_1 User2: &&uuser_2@&&uinstance_2' 135
col username format a10 head 'INDEX|OWNER'
spool index_diff.txt
t1.index_name, '&&uuser_1' username, instance, t1.table_name, t1.column_name, t1.column_position, t1.column_length
and t1.table_name = d1.table_name and t1.column_name = d1.column_name and t1.column_position = d1.column_position and t1.column_length = d1.column_length and d1.instance = '&&uinstance_1'
t2.index_name, '&&uuser_2' username, instance, t2.table_name, t2.column_name, t2.column_position, t2.column_length
and t2.table_name = d2.table_name and t2.column_name = d2.column_name and t2.column_position = d2.column_position and t2.column_length = d2.column_length and d2.instance = '&&uinstance_2'
col procedure format a40 head 'PROCEDURE'
break on procedure on overload
@title 'Argument Diffs User1: &&uuser_1@&&uinstance_1 User2: &&uuser_2@&&uinstance_2' 200
spool arg_diff.txt
substr( obj.OBJECT_NAME|| decode( arg.procedure$,null,'','.') || arg.procedure$,1,60 ) procedure ,arg.OVERLOAD# overload ,arg.ARGUMENT ,diff.instance ,obj.object_type ,decode(arg.type, 1, 'VARCHAR2', 2, 'NUMBER', 8, 'LONG', 9, 'VARCHAR', 12, 'DATE', 23, 'RAW', 24, 'LONG RAW', 69, 'ROWID', 96, 'CHAR', 250, 'RECORD', 252, 'BOOLEAN', -- just show type# as default substr(to_char(arg.type),1,10) ) type
,decode(arg.IN_OUT,null,'IN', 2,'IN_OUT', 'UNKNOWN' ) IN_OUT ,NVL(arg.LEVEL#,0) LEVEL#
,NVL(arg.PRECISION,0) PRECISION ,NVL(arg.SCALE,0) SCALE ,NVL(arg.RADIX,0) RADIX from sys.argument$@&&uinstance_1 arg ,dba_objects@&&uinstance_1 obj ,arg_diff diff
and diff.argument = arg.argument and diff.type = arg.type and diff.overload = arg.overload# and diff.instance = '&&uinstance_1'
substr( obj.OBJECT_NAME|| decode( arg.procedure$,null,'','.') || arg.procedure$,1,60 ) procedure ,arg.OVERLOAD# overload ,arg.ARGUMENT ,diff.instance ,obj.object_type ,decode(arg.type, 1, 'VARCHAR2', 2, 'NUMBER', 8, 'LONG', 9, 'VARCHAR', 12, 'DATE', 23, 'RAW', 24, 'LONG RAW', 69, 'ROWID', 96, 'CHAR', 250, 'RECORD', 252, 'BOOLEAN', -- just show type# as default substr(to_char(arg.type),1,10) ) type
,decode(arg.IN_OUT,null,'IN', 2,'IN_OUT', 'UNKNOWN' ) IN_OUT ,NVL(arg.LEVEL#,0) LEVEL#
,NVL(arg.PRECISION,0) PRECISION ,NVL(arg.SCALE,0) SCALE ,NVL(arg.RADIX,0) RADIX from sys.argument$@&&uinstance_2 arg ,dba_objects@&&uinstance_2 obj ,arg_diff diff
and diff.argument = arg.argument and diff.type = arg.type and diff.overload = arg.overload# and diff.instance = '&&uinstance_2'
@title 'Sequence Diffs User1: &&uuser_1@&&uinstance_1 User2: &&uuser_2@&&uinstance_2' 110
col sequence_name format a30 head 'SEQUENCE NAME' col last_number format 999999999999 head 'LAST|NUMBER' col min_value format 9999999999 head 'MIN|VALUE' col max_value format 999999999999 head 'MAX|VALUE' col increment_by format 999999 head 'INCREMENT'
col cache_size format 999999 head 'CACHE|SIZE' col cycle_flag format a5 head 'CYCLE|FLAG' col order_flag format a5 head 'ORDER|FLAG'
break on sequence_name skip 1
spool sequence_diff.txt
( select sequence_name, '&&uinstance_1' instance ,last_number, min_value,max_value, increment_by,cycle_flag,order_flag, cache_size from dba_sequences@&&uinstance_1 where sequence_owner = '&&uuser_1' ) minus ( select sequence_name, '&&uinstance_2' instance ,last_number, min_value,max_value, increment_by,cycle_flag,order_flag, cache_size from dba_sequences@&&uinstance_2 where sequence_owner = '&&uuser_2' )
( select sequence_name, '&&uinstance_2' instance ,last_number, min_value,max_value, increment_by,cycle_flag,order_flag, cache_size from dba_sequences@&&uinstance_2 where sequence_owner = '&&uuser_2' ) minus ( select sequence_name, '&&uinstance_1' instance ,last_number, min_value,max_value, increment_by,cycle_flag,order_flag, cache_size from dba_sequences@&&uinstance_1 where sequence_owner = '&&uuser_1' )
spool off
undef 1 2 3 4
prompt Your reports in the following files:
prompt table_diff.txt
prompt index_diff.txt
prompt arg_diff.txt
prompt sequence_diff.txt
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Jared Still
Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051 San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists --------------------------------------------------------------------To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing). Received on Fri May 25 2001 - 14:57:38 CDT