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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: dbms_sys_sql
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Seley, Linda []
> Sent: vendredi, 18. mai 2001 15:11
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Subject: RE: dbms_sys_sql
> I am working on scripts that will create tables and users, grant
> permissions, etc. every night on a clean copy of our db. Without
> dbms_sys_sql, I would have to connect to other users to do
> the grants. I
> don't want passwords anywhere in my scripts, I want to
> connect once then run
> everything from this one user. dbms_sys_sql takes in a
> userid and sql text
> (plus a couple of other things) and runs the sql as that user.
Of course, you realize that as long as you have "create any procedure" privilege, you can create a procedure under the other user's name and grant privileges that way. As a matter of fact, I am doing that myself right this minute.
create or replace procedure userB.exec_sql_statement
(sql_statement in varchar2)
c_dynsql pls_integer ;
ignore pls_integer ;
c_dynsql := dbms_sql.open_cursor ; dbms_sql.parse (c_dynsql, sql_statement, dbms_sql.native) ; ignore := dbms_sql.execute (c_dynsql) ; dbms_sql.close_cursor (c_dynsql) ;
when others then if dbms_sql.is_open (c_dynsql) then dbms_sql.close_cursor (c_dynsql) ; end if ; raise ;
Using dbms_sys_sql is better because you don't have to create and drop a database object. On the other hand, using the method mentioned above, you don't have to depend on an "undocumented" feature.