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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Pl/sql loop assistance
I'm having difficulty coding this loop and am hoping someone can see how this can be done.
I have two tables, one on each instance reg.docalert_responses_at_ncp and reg.docalert_emails_05040_at_ncc
The requirement is to set ncp.reg.docalert_responses.campaign_response_handled = 1 for all docalert_response_id's that exist in ncc.reg.docalert_emails_050401 where sent=1. Update 100 at a time and commit. The join column, docalert_response_id appears in both tables.
I know I can set autocommit, but I'd really like to see the elegant loop logic. The DBLinks are in place.
Any assistance is appreciated.
Thanks, Linda
Received on Tue May 08 2001 - 12:44:31 CDT