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Oracle-L: by subject
- 9iAS Forms Server Stability
- Anybody getting ORA-00600 [729] [space leak] on a regular bas
- Anybody getting ORA-00600 [729] [space leak] on a regular base?`
- Constraint dependencies
- DB link for nonoracle databases
- Enterprise VS. Standard???
- Fwd: please help
- IIS 5.0 on Win2K from InfoWeek
- library cache pin problem.
- No listner and tns packet error
- OCI drivers
- off topic: c, c++ and java list
- OFF-TOPIC: comp.databases.oracle.server
- Os block size
- OT -- marketing (was Windows vs. UNIX)
- Performance of views
- Question re listener
- question: create schema ?
- running unix commands from java stored procedure
- Sample Scripts
- standby database in managed recovery mode
- Strange report from 'vmstat'
- truncate a table
- unix command question
- URGENT..not importing previous export!!!!!!!!
- UTL_FILE_DIR = in init.ora
- V$session
- Virus Found in Attachment (Subject: Uniquely Weird - duplicate
- Which tables are in buffer cache.?
- Windows vs. UNIX (you are so ready for B*LLSH*T marke
- Windows vs. UNIX (you are so ready for B*LLSH*T marketing, *!NOT!*)
- X$ tables ??
- Last message date: Wed May 02 2001 - 15:58:34 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 13:16:14 CST