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Oracle-L: by subject
- 7.3.4 svrmgrl requiring password if called by root user
- AR_TAX_INTERFACE - Vertex Issue
- Basic logon architecture for multiple apps in a db
- crontab for NT
- database links
- Default database blocksize
- DONE script enclosed: shell script to compare nos.
- Error-00103 While Creating Type
- fwd [ODTUG] Listener Servlet White Paper
- Fwd: Quote Of The Day
- Help -- OEM question
- How can you have 2 default_domain's in sqlnet.ora
- How to get jobs under WinAT to run as Oracle
- imp - limitation on number of tables?
- index on table with 3 million rows ???
- memory refresher
- Need fragmentation reports
- No Subject
- OCP: Book review - midnight madness.
- Open for suggestions:Oracle & Unx Install
- Optimizer theory: Question on access paths for outer joins
- Oracle Patches
- Oracle Reports Server?
- Oracle start/stop scripts on AIX
- Oracle tuning sampling duration
- Oracle9ias
- OT: shell script to compare nos.
- Parallel Query Question
- Partition by month (NOT INCLUDING YEAR)
- Problem with database link
- purged data??
- Question abount Unique Keys
- RMAN doubts
- select for update ???
- shell script to send mail
- Should each partition have it's own tablespace and
- Should each partition have it's own tablespace and datafile?
- Standby database : tips and tools
- Temporarily Renaming the sgadefSID.dbf File
- XML SQL (XSU) Errors
- Last message date: Wed Apr 11 2001 - 23:21:34 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 08:49:19 CST