If you're on 8.0 or higher, try
insert /*+ APPEND */
into table
select * from other_table;
where "table" is defined as nologging. Then you won't
hit either redo logs or rollback segments..Its the
equivalent of a sqlldr direct load
- CC Harvest <ccharvest_at_yahoo.com> wrote: > I have
the following scripts:
> insert into table
> select * from table2
> ;
> So if use the about bulk statement in my
> application, and the table2 is big, say 10
> million records, my concern is that it's
> going to fail because of the possible rollback
> segments failure. So then I have to use PL/SQL
> to create a cursor and commit every 50000 records.
> What's the disadvantage of this?Will it be much
> slower
> than a bulk insert?
> Can I do it another way: create a stored procedure
> for this bulk insert, then pin this procedure in
> memory, does it still have RBS problem?
> Anyone has similar experience?
> Thanks in Advance,
> Chris
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Received on Fri Mar 23 2001 - 03:36:38 CST