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RE: Offtopic: Canada and America

From: Kimberly Smith <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 12:53:32 -0800
Message-ID: <>

If you like the coast you really should go check out the Atlantic provinces. The nice thing about it is you can see 4 provinces in a relatively short time span. I would definitely go in the summer though (unless you are a huge fan of snow).

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 12:18 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Speaking as a neutral (English), I like both countries just fine and each has its good (and bad) points.

Thoroughly enjoyed all of my trips over there (in fact, we have holidayed nowhere else since 1992) and the thing I like best was depending on where you go (in the same country), outlooks on life, habits and cultures seem to be as diverse as that between some countries.

Been to British Columbia (x2) and Alberta in Canada Maine, Florida, Washington(x2), Hawaii(x2), California, Nevada and Arizona in the States.

Out of the few places I have been to, I vote Vancouver No 1. I took a lot into consideration here but found it to be the place on top of all other things, where I would consider actually living and putting down roots (Honolulu was fantastic however !!). My wife wanted to live in Victoria on the Island, very pretty but a little sleepy for my liking.

I've still got a hell of a lot to see and do (so little time and money).



-----Original Message-----
Sent: 15 March 2001 19:06
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Where would the US be without Molsen's and Labatt's, Eh?, ya know?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 12:01 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Typical, a hotmail account spouting off what they know nothing about.

Fact: The longest undefended border in the world is between Canada

        and the US. ( > 7000 miles)

Granted this reflects better on the US than Canada, as we could put the whole Canadian population along the border and still couldn't hold hands.


        Name any other state that has lived peacefully beside it's 
        neighbour with 1/10 of the population for almost 200 years?
        Russia and the Ukraine? China and Tibet? Germany and Denmark? 

It is almost 200 years because one of the defining moments of Canadian history is the War of 1812.

        Canadian Geopolitical Summary:
                We kicked America's butt.
        American Geopolitical Summary:
                We kicked Britains butt.
        British Geopolitical Summary:
                We kicked Napoleons butt.

Pierre Berton's "War of 1812" and "Flames Across the Border" provide a slightly biased but relatively fair view of this conflict from the Canadian viewpoint. There are no similar British or American texts because the Canadian theatre was a very minor and trivial part of this conflict.

<Canadian Patriotism On>
Please note that this is the only war America has ever lost. To a bunch of meek and mild Canadians...

The truth is that the largest force in Canada at the time was the British army.

Typically Canadian, one of our nation building moments hardly involved us.

I am proud to be Canadian, I am proud to be best friends with America. Thank you, America for being our friend.

Does Canada have problems, you bet. Does America have problems, more than us
the poor fellows.

We do not follow America, we guide it, help it, support it and party with it.

And if the rest of the world was as reasonable as they are, Canada could help
them too. ( Apologies to the citizens of many states I have slandered with
the above comment )

Before you comment on cultures you have not experienced it would be advisable
to at least visit there as a tourist. If you work there for a while you may even
realize that what is "common knowledge" is wrong. After spending six weeks in
Moscow, 2 years ago, I do not believe anything I read in the media (it is both
better and worse than it is reported).

And yes, there is a separate Canadian culture. (Part of which is wondering if
we have a separate culture.)


Sigh.., and the day after I promised Jared I would behave.


Dave Morgan
Senior Database Administrator
Internet Barter Inc.

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Author: Kimberly Smith
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