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RE: RE: MetaSlop - Another Response Scenario for Paul.

From: Mohan, Ross <>
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2001 13:55:16 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Scenario Two:

########################## For Immediate Release ###############################

Ap/UPI/AFP/Reuters ---  Redwood Shores, 27 Feb 00        
Oracle Denial of Service Attack

Oracle Corporation announced today, in a stunning revelation, that they have been issuing a massive Denial of Service (DoS) attack against its own customers via its "Support" website, MetaBlink.

The scam worked like this:  clever hackers within Oracle Corporation configured MetaLink with Oracle default values, guaranteeing devastating failure. As long term Oracle customers, sorely vexed by arcane command sequences, byzantine product offerings, and constantly shifting product versions came to the "support web site" to seek help, they were shunted away, losing hours of productive time, watching key applications fail, marriages dissolve, and world peace slip from their grasp.

Precisely at this vulnerable moment, a crack team of marketers ( or a team of crack-smoking marketers, field reports are not clear ) created a campaign to lead key customers to believe "application upgrades" and "more hardware" were the problem.

Sources in the McNealy Command Bunker indicate Oracle's innovative DoS is working, as record numbers of customers are throwing massive amounts of hardware at problems relatively easy to rectify. Further, back at Armani HQ, Redwood Shores, initial reports are that the "application upgrades" orders are coming in quickly.

IBM, HP, and other industry leaders are likely to follow the Oracle Corporation trend, and begin to knock off key customers shortly, using a combination of DoS, confusing price plans, deliriously inaccurate marketing campaigns, and other tools of corporate psychological warfare.

( - Ross Mohan, Cub Reporter, Daily Planet )

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Baumgartel [] Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 3:21 PM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Subject: RE: RE: MetaSlop

And if you were running a comparable system, what would *you* say?

Paul Baumgartel
InstiPro, Inc.
212 813-0829 x103 (office)
917 549-4717         (mobile)

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 2:51 PM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Man, these guys just invite the wise-ass comment, don't they?  Such as:

Well maybe if the product worked better/was less confusing/had better documentation we wouldn't all be in Metalink! Oh no!  If 4 new servers brought the system to its knees just think how bad it'll be when the rest of the hardware arrives! 4 new top-of-the-line servers, just think what that'll do to their power unit charges!

Plus I can't rid myself of the image of us all 'staggering' to Metalink for help.


>>> 02/27/01 01:21PM >>> For those interested, right from the horses mouth, or other orifice as you desire:

News & Notes

                                          MetaLink Performance - An Update

  We apologize for the slow response times recently on MetaLink. All over
world our customers are coming to and using this valuable
  knowledge base in staggering numbers. Our Global IT team are working these
performance issues as their number one priority.

  What is Being Done
  This week four new front-end web servers were brought on line to help
the load. Additional hardware has been purchased and will
  arrive soon which will make a significant improvement in performance.

  We appreciate your patience during this time of significant growth in

  The MetaLink Team

Received on Tue Feb 27 2001 - 15:55:16 CST

Original text of this message