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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: OFFTOPIC: Spam.
Full props to Ross, his witt is much better than
mine. I am currently working on a comeback and I will inform you when it
gets up to version Have a great weekend.
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I don't know, Kevin. Perhaps DEATH is too good for these
Why don't you just have a triple no foam latte, go sleepless
for six nights and think about it a bit more?
You may decide to join a little band of we DBAs who have
decided to travel to Eddy Haskell's house tonight with
torches and buckets of oil.
If the police won't do anything about this, maybe we concerned
citizens can.
Yours in Bandwidth Vigilance,
-----Original Message----- From: Kevin
Kostyszyn [<A
href="">] <FONT
size=2>Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 4:30 PM To:
Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Subject: RE:
Those are all very excellent points there Charlie, but if this
is how angry you get when you get spam I would hate to
see what you are like when something really bad
happens. Give me a break already, go ahead and get <FONT
size=2>some proof of all of those laws in all of those states, then go ahead
and try and find a halfway decent lawyer who would
actually take it to court. Good lord!!
Bandwidth, right, what do you have a 56k modem, please. <FONT
size=2>Tresspass of chattel, what idiot let that slide, it's email for crying
out loud. Hey, in that line of thinking the next
time I see a sign on the side of the road I am going
to freak out, or better yet the next time one of those
telemarketers calls me I am going to get all of their information and
prosecute them, their company, there family, all of their
friends, and their dog!! At least the damn
thing was about something useful, like training to be
an Oracle Certified Professional. At least it was something useful,
it wasn't about new and improved laxatives or
something of that nature. Jeez, try and
-----Original Message----- <FONT
size=2>Mengler Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 4:09
PM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Do you mean that other than the FACT that this SPAMMER
directly violated his contract with both @HOME and
INSYNC.NET; who is his ISP?
Do you mean other than the fact that this LUSER consumed MY
bandwidth, MY disk storage, & my CPU cycles
without MY consent to deliver his <FONT
size=2>SPAMvertizement? Such activity has been
successfully prosecute for THEFT by conversion and <FONT
size=2>trespass of chattel.
Do you mean that other than the fact this SPAM violated the
laws of CA, CO, TX, VA & WA?
Now if you condone such behavior, I'm not sure what that says
about you.
Kevin Kostyszyn wrote: >
> No offense all, but I don't see why everyone is so upset
about this email. > It pertained to Oracle and we
recieved it once. It's as if I recieved an >
interesting email and sent it to all of you, why so upset? <FONT
size=2>> > -----Original Message-----
> Mengler > Sent: Thursday,
February 15, 2001 2:58 PM > To: Multiple recipients
of list ORACLE-L > >
AFAIK -> The spammer's home info is >
Toy store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! > -- <FONTsize=2>> Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: <A href="" target=_blank>
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