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is this the kind of script you want ? (see below) - this table script doesn't
handle partitions though.
it also uses utl files.
if so mail me back channel and i'll send them to you
hope it helps
/* ******************************************************************* */
/* backup_table_defn.sql */
/* ===================== */
/* */
/* B McQuillan 04 FEB 2000 */
/* */
/* Revision | Who | When | What */
/* 0000 | BMcQ | 04-02-2000 | Initial release */
/* ---------|--------|------------|----------------------------------- */
/* ******************************************************************* */
/* **** sql plus settings **** */
set heading off
set pause off
set serveroutput on
set verify off
set echo off
set feedback off
set lines 100
set pages 0
set space 0
set long 4000
/* **** user defined variables **** */
undefine v_schema
undefine v_user
column vEnv new_value vEnv
select value vEnv
from v$parameter
where name = 'background_dump_dest';
column vUTLDir new_value vUTLDir
select value vUTLDir
from v$parameter
where name = 'utl_file_dir';
/* **** main **** */
cursor c_tab is select alta.owner, alta.table_name, alta.tablespace_name, alta.PCT_FREE, alta.PCT_USED, alta.INI_TRANS, alta.MAX_TRANS, alta.INITIAL_EXTENT, decode(alta.NEXT_EXTENT, null, alta.initial_extent, alta.next_extent) next_extent, alta.MIN_EXTENTS, alta.MAX_EXTENTS, decode(alta.PCT_INCREASE, null, 0, alta.pct_increase) pct_increase from all_tables alta where alta.owner = upper('&&v_schema') order by alta.table_name;
vTab c_tab%ROWTYPE;
vLastCol number(3);
f_Outfile utl_file.file_type;
f_FileName varchar2(60);
for vTab in c_tab loop
f_FileName := lower(vtab.owner||'_table_'||vtab.table_name)||'.sql';
if '&vUTLDir' = '*' then f_outfile := utl_file.FOPEN('&vEnv',f_filename,'A'); else f_Outfile := utl_file.FOPEN('&vUTLDir',f_filename,'A'); end if; utl_file.put (f_outfile,'Create table '||vTab.table_name||' ('); utl_file.fflush (f_outfile); select max(altc.column_id) into vLastCol from all_tab_columns altc where altc.table_name = vtab.table_name and altc.owner = vtab.owner; declare cursor c_tab_col is select substr(astc.column_name,1,30) cname, substr(decode (astc.data_type, 'NUMBER', 'NUMBER'||'('|| decode(astc.data_scale, null,to_char(nvl(astc.data_precision,38))||')',
astc.data_type),1,15) csize , substr(decode (astc.nullable, 'Y', null, 'NOT NULL'),1,8) cnull, ltrim(rtrim(substr(decode (astc.column_id, vLastCol, ')',','),1,10))) ccom from all_tab_columns astc where astc.table_name = vtab.table_name and astc.owner = vtab.owner order by astc.column_id; vTabCol c_tab_col%ROWTYPE; begin for vTabCol in c_tab_col loop utl_file.put_line (f_outfile,vTabCol.cname||' '||vTabCol.csize||' '||vTabCol.cnull||vTabCol.ccom); end loop; end; utl_file.put_line (f_outfile,' pctfree '||vtab.pct_free); utl_file.put_line (f_outfile,' pctused '||vtab.pct_used); utl_file.put_line (f_outfile,' initrans '||vtab.ini_trans); utl_file.put_line (f_outfile,' maxtrans '||vtab.max_trans); utl_file.put_line (f_outfile,' storage '); utl_file.put_line (f_outfile,'(initial '||vtab.initial_extent); utl_file.put_line (f_outfile,' next '||vtab.next_extent); utl_file.put_line (f_outfile,' minextents '||vtab.min_extents); utl_file.put_line (f_outfile,' maxextents '||vtab.max_extents); utl_file.put_line (f_outfile,' pctincrease '||vtab.pct_increase); utl_file.put_line (f_outfile,')'); utl_file.put_line (f_outfile,'tablespace '||vtab.tablespace_name); utl_file.put_line (f_outfile,'/'); utl_file.fflush (f_outfile); utl_file.fclose (f_outfile);
end loop;
/* *** END *** */
-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: -- Author: INET: Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051 San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists -------------------------------------------------------------------- To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).Received on Fri Feb 09 2001 - 13:27:47 CST