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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: OT: Submitting a URL to Search engines
Hi, is a start
"Oweson Flynn" <oweson.flynn_at_libe To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>> cc: Sent by: Subject: OT: Submitting a URL to Search engines 09-02-2001 13:05 Please respond to ORACLE-L
I have been roped into creating a web page for my daughter's school! So I
learning lots about HTML at a huge rate.
The actual creation of the site will be fun (I hope). But I will need to
make all the search engines aware of the URL of the new site.
- How do I do this? I have seen ISPs offering to 'submit your URL to
search engines', but they normally want a fee for it
- How can I do this myself?
Any assistance / stories / experiences would be much appreciated.
Oweson Flynn
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