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Detail steps for transportable tablespace

From: neena <>
Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 08:40:56 -0800
Message-ID: <>


     Steps for trasportable tablespaces are :
       1. Make tabblespace read only.
      2. Export metadata from scorce
      3. Copy data files to target system
       4. Trasfer export file
       5. Import metadata into target
       6. If necessary alter the tablespace to read write

For export and Import
      Exp sys/... FILE=x.dmp
      triggers=n constraints=n

    imp sys/.. File=x.dmp
   datafiles=(/disk1/sales01.dbf, /disk2/sales02.dbf) The rules for import :

  1. the Datafile option must be specified . It names the files belonging to the tablespace that is being transferred. Use the names as they are stored on the target computer, even if they are different from the original filenames.
  2. If the Tablespaces clause is specified , the supplied tablespace names are compared with those of the export file. Otherwise tablespace names are extracted from the export file.
  3. The Users option can be specified to compare the usernames with those of the metadata file. Otherwise the user names are extracted from the export file.
  4. The Fromuser and Touser option can be used to import from a source schema into a target schema.

    Constraints :

            Source and targe databases must :
              - be on the same operating system
              - run Oracle 8i rlease 8.1 or above
              - have the same block size
              - use the same chracter set
The set of tablespaces trasported in each run must be self-contained.  The tablespace to be moved cna contain tables with LOBs and usaer-defined data type . If a table with a BFILE column is part of the tablespace that is moved, the user needs to copy the refernced files to the target. Bitmap index and tables with Varray or nested tables cannot be trasported.the user is resposible for resolving dependencies between objects in the tablespaces that are transported and those in the target database. The PL/SQL procedure DBMS_TTS.TRASPORT_SET_CHECK and DBMS_TTS.ISSELFCONTAINED can be used to verify that a set of tablespace is self-contained. -- Neena Chandan

TIL-TEC wrote:

> in Transportable tablespace you use export only for the purpose to extract
> metadta of the database. Together with the export you have to trasfer the
> relative datafiles of the tablespace also. To trasfer data via
> trasportablespace there are constraints also like both the databases (
> source and target) should be on the same version of the operating system ,
> should have same version of oracle etc. The note on this at my residence.
> I
> will forward that at night .
> -- Neena Chandan
> -- OCP DBA
> --
> Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
> --
> Author: TIL-TEC
> Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
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Author: neena

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Received on Wed Feb 07 2001 - 10:40:56 CST

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