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I had such an arrangement on an email box once. Lost a day's mail when the controller went down and munged the drive data. The lesson I took to the DBA task is to always keep archived logs and redo logs on a separate mirror from the DB (usually with the software, on a small machine like this one). On one of this size I'd set up a 2-disk mirror for the OS, software and aforementioned critical files (and a copy of the control file) and a RAID with the remaining drives for everything else, including the other copy of the control file, redo and archived logs. I'd use a RAID controller for the RAID and a conventional controller for the mirror, if it can be done that way.
Lately I've been (generally) blessed with more volumes on multi-channel RAID drives, but I always try to have a separately-controlled mirror for the recovery-critical files and the software. Of course, now it's going to be the motherboard that goes up and smokes the whole system, but that will just be a reason to get into Parallel server :-). wrote:
> Kevin,
> We also "paid the price" for a raid-5 disk array. The array was not a
> problem of and by itself, but the fact that to save money we only bought one
> controller was. In this case we had one SCSI channel into and out of the array.
> Did not matter how you mapped things, you were stuck with the physical bottle
> neck. One other problem that brings, is that when that single controller fails
> (not a matter of IF, Murphy will sooner or later pay you a visit) you may be
> left with having to completely rebuild the array from scratch. Once!!! Been
> there, done that, damn that hurts!!
> Now if Woody's system has internal disks that are being raided internally,
> that's a horse of a different color & then I really prefer his layout. Except
> that I like having the on-line redo somewhere else than around db files, or each
> on it's own spindle.
> Dick Goulet
> ____________________Reply Separator____________________
> Author: "Kevin Kostyszyn" <>
> Date: 1/25/2001 7:56 AM
> I am curious Dick, why would they pay the price with a RAID 5 config with
> more than one connection. I am assuming you mean the array configuration?
> Every Disk having it's own seperate cable? Why is this bad? Because you
> are not getting maximum efficiency out of the system? Just curious.
> Kevin
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 10:31 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Woody,
> Depends. Are you using a disk array? If so is there more than one path
> (equate that to interface cables) to the disks. If yes then your right,
> there
> wrong & will pay the price.
> If on the other hand there is one and only one path to the drives, it
> really
> doesn't matter. Everything has to go down that path & that is where the
> bottle
> neck will be.
> Dick Goulet
> ____________________Reply Separator____________________
> Author: "Woody Mckay" <>
> Date: 1/25/2001 7:01 AM
> I was asked by some hardware people of my suggested drive configuration for
> a 5 drive configuration.
> I recommended the following:
> Drive 1 - Oracle database software
> Drive 2 - System tablespace, control file_1, online redo log files
> Drive 3 - Roll back (RBS) tablespace, Temp tablespace, control file_2
> Drive 4 - Data tablespace, control file_3
> Drive 5 - Index tablespace, archived log files
> I thought this would optimize the performance of small transactions and
> small queries. I also thought it would optimize I/O performance by
> distributing the tablespaces. The database is for a Cold Fusion web site
> where there will be mostly reads but plenty of writes.
> They disregarded this configuration and decided to go with a raid-5 with
> everything on the single raid for recoverability. I caved in and said ok.
> Were they right?
> Sincerely,
> Woody
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> Author: Kevin Kostyszyn
> Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
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Received on Fri Jan 26 2001 - 16:24:16 CST
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