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I am currently testing an 8.1.7 database(enterprise edition) on AIX 4.3.3.
It's really slow (it can take up to 15 seconds to connect) compared to the
same database. Do you have any ideas about what could be the cause
of it ? Any new init parameter that I should have specified ? Any old
init parameter that I should have modified ?
Louis Brouillette
Analyste en informatique (DBA)
Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres
Tel: (819) 376-5011 ext. 2435
From: "Mark Leith" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 14:53:59 -0000
Subject: RE: Basic SQL question I think
select * from
(select A from TABLE order by A desc) where rownum < 11;
I think that is right, they had a discussion about this not so long back, but it's archived now..
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 02:12
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Basic SQL question I think
Hi All,
I guess I'm braindead already (not even friday yet)
I have a table with two columns
column A number
column B varchar2
I need to have the top ten numbers from this table (column a)
The numbers are in random order.
I have tried all sorts of stuff with ordering etc but to no avail.
Anybody feeling lucky??
Met vriendelijke groet,
Jacob van Zanen
(Oracle DBA) Informatie Systemen
Ernst & Young
Informatie & Communicatie Technologie
Kantoor Gouda
Tel.: 0182 575316 (intern: 923 316)
Fax: 0182 536311
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From: "Heikki Jantunen" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 14:58:27
Subject: Oracle9iAS
Hi all,
I am planning to install Oracle9iAS, what should I have pre-installed on my server from Oracle point of view.
Yes, I know, pls. read my installation quide but still I'm asking ;-)...
From: "Michael Chan" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 07:09:42 -0800
Subject: Object Dependencies
Is there any ways to find the hierarchy of objects that depend on a parti= cular object like the following : Received on Thu Jan 18 2001 - 08:46:04 CST