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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: OFF_TOPIC : Linux setup
A good place to start would be with the O'Reilly book "Running Linux, 3rd
Edition". ( It's a pretty good
resource for getting going with Linux. The documentation section at Linux
Online is also pretty useful and can point you to a bunch of other resources
( These are just a few starting
points...there is lots of Linux information out there.
Jeffery Stevenson
Chief Databeast Tamer
Medical Present Value, Inc.
Austin, TX
-----Original Message-----
From: andrey []
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 9:00 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: OFF_TOPIC : Linux setup
Dear all !
I'm supposed to setup a linux server here at my shop ( and install an Oracle DB on it afterwards ) .
I need to do ALL the work related to this : server setting up , Linux O/S installation etc ....
I've never previously worked with Linux ( never seen it , to be honest ) although i have several years UNIX ( Hp + Solaris ) background ( not as sysadmin though ) .
So , my question is : where to start ?
Where can i get some readings / manuals / installation guides / sysadmin guides for a beginner Linux administrator ? Where can i download the software ?
Are there resources / mailing lists for Linux administration on the web ?
Thanks U very much for your assistance . ANY help will be VERY appreciated . Received on Thu Jan 04 2001 - 09:59:57 CST