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RE: Uninstalling Oracle 8 WHAT?

From: Mark Leith <>
Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2001 17:07:13 -0000
Message-Id: <>


I have never found a doc for doing this either, we have pure test systems here, and nothing that runs any of our business apps on Oracle, therefore instead of using the un/installer I usually just stop the instance (if it hasn't already gone ti*s up) delete the services using oradim, delete all related files, delete the registry entries, reboot, defrag, install, defrag, configure.

Before deleting the services through oradim, make sure that they are stopped. Then run an MSDOS command prompt and input:

ORADIM -DEL -SID ORCL | -SRVC OracleOraHome81TNSListener

Or something like that, off the top of my head. You can read more in the Utilities manual.

Delete all of the directories associated with Oracle - ORA_HOME, and the Oracle directory under Program Files (Although if you have this you may have the installer aswell, as it is actually located in :\Program Files\Oracle\oui\install - Have you checked?).

The registry entries can be found at:


Then there are a whole load depending on the applications you are using, typically if you run regedit and do a find from the Edit menu, and use a keyword of Oracle, you will find most of them hanging around, mostly in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Classes.....

You should then have nothing to do with Oracle on your machine, take care to look at the registry entries if you are using any other third party Oracle products, these can also contain a value of "Oracle" somewhere within the key description, and you could inadvertently delete one without realising if you just click find - delete over an over.

As mentioned, I also always do at least one defrag to clean the disks up after "trashing" a database, this way when installing, all Oracle data should be fairly contiguous on the disk.

Please also bear in mind support agreements, a lot of vendors don't like the registry being played with, and will not support you, I stress, I only do this on my TEST systems.

YMMV Regards


-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 01:51
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Subject: Re: Uninstalling Oracle 8 WHAT?

Just FYI. The developer's intallation of Oracle was corrupted by a software update done company-wide. Apparently he lost access to sql net as well as some
other supporting apps. Also, seems as if he is missing some dlls too. I agree
that he needs to uninstall Oracle products completely and re-install. I hate to
do this maually, as there are so many aspects and registry setting to take into
consideraiton. But darn, I'm having a hard time locating any docs for doing complete manual unistalls.

Thanks again:>


                                    HANNAH M
                              01/02/2001 08:44 AM
                  (Embedded image moved to file: pic10572.pcx)

To: @ @ USXMAIL @ ccmail-americas, @ @ USXMAIL @ ccmail-americas

Hi guys,

     Please direct me to the correct documentation for this! I have a developer
using Oracle 8. We need to unistall it (On Windows NT). I have not had to unistall version 8 before but found that there is no universal installer. I tried to go into the Custom install to see if it would let me remove options,
but Dr. Watson wont let me get by this.

     I hit the internet and found an artical regarding the fact that there is no
unistaller for Oracle 8 client and that it must be removed manually. Of course
there were no further comments! And it didn't mention anything about the Enterprise.

     Can someone direct me to some documentation for manually unistalling Received on Tue Jan 02 2001 - 11:07:13 CST

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