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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> OT: phallicitations/ Re: WAAYYY OT: RE: FreeOCP
hear, hear...
--- "Forgetting Baudrillard: Neocultural discourse and subconceptual deconstruction Martin R. S. Prinn Department of Politics, University of Oregon 1. The capitalist paradigm of reality and postdialectic cultural theory If one examines subconceptual deconstruction, one is faced with a choice: either reject neocultural discourse or conclude that sexuality may be used to exploit the underprivileged. Thus, an abundance of sublimations concerning pretextual narrative exist. In the works of Smith, a predominant concept is the concept of capitalist culture. Marx suggests the use of neocultural discourse to read and analyse society. Therefore, the characteristic theme of the works of Smith is the role of the writer as participant. 'Class is part of the absurdity of reality,' says Sartre; however, according to Humphrey[1] , it is not so much class that is part of the absurdity of reality, but rather the dialectic, and subsequent failure, of class. Marx uses the term 'subconceptual deconstruction' to denote a self-justifying totality. But if the postsemantic paradigm of context holds, we have to choose between neocultural discourse and capitalist discourse. " ... -------------------------------------------------------------------- The essay you have probably just seen is [***]completely meaningless[***] and was randomly generated by the Postmodernism Generator. To generate another essay, follow this link [ ]. If you like this particular essay and would like to return to it, follow this link [ ] for a bookmarkable page. The Postmodernism Generator was written by Andrew C. Bulhak [ ] and modified slightly by Pope Dubious Provenance XI [ ] using the Dada Engine [ ], a system for generating random text from recursive grammars. More detailed technical information may be found in Monash University Department of Computer Science Technical Report 96/264: "On the Simulation of Postmodernism and Mental Debility Using Recursive Transition Networks". An on-line copy is available here [ modernism ]. --- On 6 Dec 2000, at 6:05, Testa, Joe S scribbled with alacrity and cogency: Date sent: Wed, 06 Dec 2000 06:05:27 -0800 To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <> From: "Testa, Joe S" <> Subject: WAAYYY OT: RE: FreeOCPReceived on Wed Dec 06 2000 - 13:44:58 CST
> save the political correctness, too much of that crap goes on already,
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