Recently, I had the same problem while I was installing 816 on solaris 8.
The reasons may be:
1.SUN doesn't supply C/C++ compiler by default,
You need to install trial C/C++ compiler from one of the CDs supplied by
Then you need to send an e-mail asking for your license info. which is
again only for 45 days.
2. Set env. variable
The order also matters. make sure it's taking right C compiler, by giving
'which cc' command.
DBA & Database Architect
Core OBjects India Pvt. Ltd.,
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Ravindra
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 12:47 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: RE: Urgent: Problem installing Oracle 817 on solaris8
right..i have many people logged on calls with similar errors
but no reply fom oracle...
u need to check the permissions also...
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 5:56 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
I have similar error one time, as the log files saying something totally
I even log a TAR with Oracle support which didn't really help me in any
I later on find out that it is a permission problem on the file system.
Oracle will to be rwx on the ORACLE_HOME and a parent level to the
ORACLE_HOME. After I make Oracle accessible to the file system prior to
ORACLE_HOME, everything works fine.
"Krishna Prasad" <> on 12/05/2000 08:57:04
Please respond to
Sent by:
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>
I had posted this last week but haven't got any responses. If anybody has
run into a similiar problem, I would really appreciate any feedback.
- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L" <>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 11:26 AM
> Hi,
> I'm running into a problem installing oracle 817 on Solaris8 - the box
> not
> have any compilers on it but does have the binaries expected under
> /usr/ccs/bin/...
> I don't understand why it needs to be relinked as i'm installing it as
> 'oracle' who
> is a member of groups 'oinstall' and 'dba' - in addition, i don't
> why
> 'as' needs to be invoked - isn't it some assembly-level??? anyway, it's
> failing
> with several "syntax errors" in oracle files!!!!
> any help would be greatly appreciated - i've enclosed relevant portions
> the make.log
> below...
> Thanks,
> -Krishna.
> **********************/
> /usr/ccs/bin/make -f ntcontab.o
> ORACLE_HOME=/data1/app/oracle/8.1.7
> (if [ "assemble" = "compile" ] ; then \
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/bin/gennttab > ntcontab.c ;\
> cc -c ntcontab.c ;\
> rm -f /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/ntcontab.o ;\
> mv ntcontab.o /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib ;\
> /usr/ccs/bin/ar rv /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/libn8.a
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/ntcontab.o ; fi)
> (if [ "assemble" = "assemble" ] ; then \
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/bin/gennttab > ntcontab.s ;\
> /usr/ccs/bin/as -P -o ntcontab.o ntcontab.s ;\
> rm -f /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/ntcontab.o ;\
> mv ntcontab.o /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib ;\
> /usr/ccs/bin/ar rv /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/libn8.a
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/ntcontab.o ; fi)
> /usr/ccs/bin/as: "ntcontab.s", line 6: error: statement syntax
> /usr/ccs/bin/as: "ntcontab.s", line 7: error: statement syntax
> /usr/ccs/bin/as: "ntcontab.s", line 8: error: statement syntax
> /usr/ccs/bin/as: "ntcontab.s", line 9: error: statement syntax
> /usr/ccs/bin/as: "ntcontab.s", line 10: error: statement syntax
> /usr/ccs/bin/as: "ntcontab.s", line 11: error: statement syntax
> .
> .
> .
> mv: cannot access ntcontab.o
> ar: cannot open /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/ntcontab.o
> No such file or directory
> .
> .
> .
> /usr/ccs/bin/make -f nnfgt.o ORACLE_HOME
> =/data1/app/oracle/8.1.7
> (if [ "assemble" = "compile" ] ; then \
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/bin/gennfgt > nnfgt.c ;\
> cc -c nnfgt.c ;\
> rm -f /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/nnfgt.o ;\
> mv nnfgt.o /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib ;\
> /usr/ccs/bin/ar rv /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/libn8.a
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/nnfgt.o ; fi)
> (if [ "assemble" = "assemble" ] ; then \
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/bin/gennfgt > nnfgt.s ;\
> /usr/ccs/bin/as -P -o nnfgt.o nnfgt.s ;\
> rm -f /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/nnfgt.o ;\
> mv nnfgt.o /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib ;\
> /usr/ccs/bin/ar rv /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/libn8.a
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/nnfgt.o ; fi)
> /usr/ccs/bin/as: "nnfgt.s", line 6: error: statement syntax
> /usr/ccs/bin/as: "nnfgt.s", line 7: error: statement syntax
> /usr/ccs/bin/as: "nnfgt.s", line 8: error: statement syntax
> /usr/ccs/bin/as: "nnfgt.s", line 9: error: statement syntax
> /usr/ccs/bin/as: "nnfgt.s", line 10: error: statement syntax
> /usr/ccs/bin/as: "nnfgt.s", line 11: error: statement syntax
> .
> .
> .
> /usr/ccs/bin/make -f part_on
> ORACLE_HOME=/data1/app/oracle/8.1.7
> /usr/ccs/bin/ar d /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a ksnkkpo.o
> /usr/ccs/bin/ar cr /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/rdbms/lib/kkpoban.o
> /usr/ccs/bin/make -f mkldflags
> ORACLE_HOME=/data1/app/oracle/8.1.7
> /usr/ccs/bin/make -f client_sharedlib
> ORACLE_HOME=/data1/app/oracle/8.1.7
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/bin/genclntsh
> Undefined first referenced
> symbol in file
> nnfyboot
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/libn8.a(nnfgt.o)
> ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/
> cat: cannot open /tmp/clntst8.5259/*.nm
> sort: can't read /tmp/clntst8.5259/*.objs: No such file or directory
> usage: ar -d[-vV] archive file ...
> ar -m[-abivV] [posname] archive file ...
> ar -p[-vV][-s] archive [file ...]
> ar -q[-cuvV] [-abi] [posname] [file ...]
> ar -r[-cuvV] [-abi] [posname] [file ...]
> ar -t[-vV][-s] archive [file ...]
> ar -x[-vV][-sCT] archive [file ...]
> ar: creating /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/libclntst8.a
> Created /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/libclntst8.a
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/bin/genagtsh
> 1.0
> /usr/ccs/bin/make -f install
> ORACLE_HOME=/data1/app/oracle/8.1.7
> - Linking otrcfmt
> rm -f otrcfmt;
> /usr/ccs/bin/ld -o
otrcfmt -L/data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/otrace/lib/
> -dy /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/SC4.2/crti.o
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/SC4.2/crt1.o
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/SC4.2/crtn.o -o
otrcfmt -L/data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/otrace/lib/
> -L/opt/SUNWcluster/lib -R/opt/SUNWcluster/lib
data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/otrace/lib/otrcfmt.o -ltracefe8 -ltrace8 -lnls8 -lc
> ore8 -lnls8 -lcore8 -lnls8 \
> `cat
/data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/sysliblist` -R/data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib
> `if [ "" = "SOL" ]; then echo "-laio" ; else echo "" ;
> i` -lm -ltracept8 -lnls8 -lcore8 -lnls8 -lcore8 -lnls8
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/rdbms/lib/defopt.o \
> -lclntsh /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/rdbms/lib/kpuadef.o `cat
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/ldflags` -lnsgr8 -lnzjs8 -ln8 -lnl8 -lnro8
data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/ldflags` -lnsgr8 -lnzjs8 -ln8 -lnl8 -lclient8 -
lvsn8 -lwtc8 -lcommon8 -lgeneric8 -lwtc8 -lmm -lnls8 -lcore8 -lnls8
> -lnls8 `cat
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/ldflags` -lnsgr8 -lnzjs8 -ln8 -lnl8 -lnro8
data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/ldflags` -lnsgr8 -lnzjs8 -ln8 -lnl8 -lclient8 -
lvsn8 -lwtc8 -lcommon8 -lgeneric8 -ltrace8 -lnls8 -lcore8 -lnls8 -lcore8
lnls8 -lclient8 -lvsn8 -lwtc8 -lcommon8 -lgeneric8 -lnls8 -lcore8 -lnls8
> -lcore8 -lnls8 `cat
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib/sysliblist` -R/data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib `if
> "" = "SOL" ]; then echo "-laio" ; else echo "" ; fi` -lm
> /data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a -R
> /opt/SUNWcluster/lib:/data1/app/oracle/8.1.7/lib -Y
> P,:/opt/SUNWcluster/lib:/usr/ccs/lib:/usr/lib -Qy -lc -laio
> ld: warning: option -o appears more than once, first setting taken
> ld: fatal: library -lclntsh: not found
> ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to otrcfmt
> make: *** [otrcfmt] Error 1
> --
> Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
> --
> Author: Krishna Prasad
> Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
> San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
> to: (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in
> the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L
> (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You may
> also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Krishna Prasad
Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
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Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
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Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Ravindra Basavaraja
Fat City Network Services -- (858) 538-5051 FAX: (858) 538-5051
San Diego, California -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
Received on Wed Dec 06 2000 - 06:27:48 CST