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Sorry to bug you guys again, but there are still a few things that I don't
quite understand:
This file contains backups of all tablespaces, right?
What happens if a tablespace and a datafile (from another tbs) go corrupt? Do I have to restore old image copies of those files and do restore from there? Or does the full_db_00001234_4.bck backup set from RMAN contain all the information needed (i.e. also re-creates tablespaces and datafiles)?
2) How do I schedule a database job to execute RMAN stored scripts periodically?
The way I do it now is that I have a batch file that is run at specific
rman target sys/xxxxx_at_taz rcvcat rman/xxxxxx_at_pepe
cmdfile 'c:\Oracle\admin\taz\backup\full_db_backup.rmn'
log 'c:\Oracle\admin\taz\backup\full_db_backup.log'
3) Since I switched from cold backup to RMAN backups, how do I tell RMAN to only backup the archived logs that are created from now on? By specifying (archivelog all) RMAN also tries to archive old log (that I have already deleted). Or do I have to catalog every new archived log manually?
Once I'm all set up with RMAN here, I'll post a detailed memo of the little pitfalls to get RMAN going on NT/Win2k to the list.
This is 8.1.6 on Win2k. Received on Wed Nov 29 2000 - 12:55:15 CST