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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re:OFF TOPIC: Oracle Stomps Sister of the Immaculate Tongu
I fear you maybe a little hasty in pointing the finger of blame. You might look to the Catholic hierarchy as potential culprits too since they've become rather intolerant over the past few years. I smell a Cardinal RATzinger in the neighborhood.
Dick Goulet
____________________Reply Separator____________________Subject: OFF TOPIC: Oracle Stomps Sister of the Immaculate Tongue Author: "Maser; Donna (SEA)" <> Date: 11/27/2000 4:10 PM
It's true, Howard_at_ORCL's Sister of the Immaculate Tongue web site has been closed down!
I think Oracle is getting a bit overbearing. I'm an Oracle DBA, and enjoyed his website for the content. I sent the link to his homepage to my sister who is a Catholic nun, and she thought it was great! What is Oracle's problem with this? Can't we have ANY fun?
Donna Maser
Oracle DBA
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Author: Maser, Donna (SEA)
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