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RE: Move dBase into Oracle

From: <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 10:38:18 -0500
Message-Id: <>

Quick and easy answer:

If you have a few hundred bucks, Data Junction does it almost instantly. I found
lots of quirks in its setup, but once set up it seemed to work ok. They'll give
you a free demo version that works but tyou can't save the conversion.

Other option:

At our place, we do Oracle-from-FoxPro, and we do it manually (even though we
have a Data Junction license). Here's the flow:

  1. FoxPro programs that extract the data to flat files,
  2. FoxPro programs that create Oracle SQL scripts that create tables,
  3. FoxPro programs that create SQL/Loader control files,
  4. Batch files that call SQL/Loader to load the data from flat files
  5. Lots of Oracle SQL scripts that massage and modify the data after it come in.

Something like that. It's lots of code, but relatively automated now that it's
done. To convert a new FoxPro table, I can pretty much just add an entry for the
table to convert to a FoxPro control table and it will be included in the conversion.

Oracle has/had a migration toolkit for dbase - it was as much code and did basically the same thing.

HTH, Yosi

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Helmut Daiminger []
> Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 9:25 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Subject: Move dBase into Oracle
> Hi!
> I was asked to move our bug tracking database (dBase 5.0 on
> Win2k) into
> Oracle 8.1.6 (on Win2k).
> Has anybody ever done that? What would be the best way to go
> about this?
> Is there a tool than can help me with this or should I dump
> the database
> into a text file and use SQL*Loader? Oracle Migration
> Workbench does not
> offer the option to move dBase (as far as I know).
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Helmut
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Received on Mon Nov 27 2000 - 09:38:18 CST

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