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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Where is DBA position in your organization?
Lucky boy. We would love to report to IS. Unfortunately, we report to the
Vice President of Customer Services.
Scenario (happens every day, really!):
Phone rings: "Hello, this is Walt".
"Hey, Walt, this is Jethro". (name changed to protect the guilty).
"Hey, Jethro, what's up?".
"Well, we just got an irate call from the White House. They say their web
site is slow. I called development and they say their code is optimized to
the nth degree and it must be a problem on the SA/Oracle side".
"Well, Jethro, I take issue with that. We just tkprof'd the hell out of the
whole app, and it's currently redefining the meaning of 'cartesion join'.
Not a whole lot we can do on our end".
"Walt, I don't care what you think. Users are pissed off and the whole
Development Department are up in the Beartooths hunting this weekend. Fix it
or start driving school buses".
"Can't, Jethro. I'm hunting this weekend too."
"Bullshit, Walt. My 11-year-old daughter told me that your
11-year-old-daughter said that you're flying her to Helena to visit some
friends. No excuse. Fix, it, or Monday morning you'll be driving the school
bus that picks up my daughter, Jermaine".
Phone goes dead. I spend the rest of my day cursing middle management.
But, I'm getting DAMN good at tuning SQL statements. :>)
And, sometimes living in a small town ain't all that great. :>)
--Walt Weaver
Bozeman, Montana, USA
-----Original Message-----
From: Holman, Rodney
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Sent: 11/25/2000 7:50 AM
Subject: RE: Where is DBA position in your organization?
In our group we are the SA's. We have a small shop and the DBA's/SA's
report to the Director of IS Operations. We also support the
teams and do some design work. Our primary responsibility is to keep
production systems up, available, and tuned. So, when conflicts between
prod vs dev come up the production is primary.
Rodd Holman
Enterprise Data Systems Engineer
LodgeNet Entertainment Corporation
Comments made are my own opinions and views. They do not represent
policies, or procedures of LodgeNet Entertainment Corporation
Received on Sun Nov 26 2000 - 19:51:49 CST