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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> ora-00604 --pls help
i got a stored proc that consist of 30 for loops to open &update different tables. when i run it the ff error occurs: ora-00604 error occured at recursive sql level. ora-0100-: maximun open cursors exceeded.
i'm the only one running the process...currently max open cursor = 50
i've checked all the cursors i've openned and have closed it.... is the
close cursor wrongly placed?
i know that for loop automatically close the cursor it opens.
here is my sample stored proc.
cursor bs_cur (bs_promo_code varchar2) is
select a.sid from slots a
where a.promo_code = bs_promo_code a;
cursor j is
id number;
err_txt VARCHAR2(240) ;
BEGIN for bs in (select * from slots_work a)
open bs_cur(bs.promo_code);
fetch bs_cur into id;
if bs_cur%found then
update slots a set a.description = bs.description where a.promo_code = bs.promo_code ; else begin select pro1_seq.nextval into id from sys.dual; insert into bingo_slots(promo_code,description) values(bs.promo_code,bs.description); exception when others then err_txt := DBMS_ERROR_TEXT; insert into exceptions values(exc_seq.nextval,err_txt); end ;
---code here is exactly the same as above except it select &opens different
tables and columns
for bs in (select ...)
end loop;
Received on Fri Nov 24 2000 - 02:02:12 CST