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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: select with Null
On Wed, 22 Nov 2000, Raj Gopalan wrote:
> select d.discount_type
> from discount d
> where (d.company_code = 'XX' or
> d.company_code is null)
> and (d.operator_code = 'YY' or
> d.operator_code is null)
> Apparently, oracle is not using the index since I am using IS NULL. But the
> functional requirement is such that the query need to consider records even
> if company_code, Operator_code ,... is null.
> Any thoughts on how do I modify this query so that the index is being used.
A common and simple solution is to choose a value for the column to represent a null value.
'OC_UNKNOWN' could be used to represent NULL operator_code values, 'CC_UNKNOWN' for company_code, etc.
Of course, this may be problematic if an extensive application is already written against these tables.
Jared Still
Certified Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist ;-)
Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon - Work - preferred address - private
Received on Wed Nov 22 2000 - 21:52:01 CST