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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> Re: Reg. SQL Operator..
Ak> hi,
Ak> I would like to know how to write a query to fetch a range of records?.
Ak> Say,for example. i have a table Emp with Empname ( a Varchar2 col.).
Ak> To fetch Employees whose names starts with A to S .
Ak> Output should be :
Ak> Arul Ak> Binesh Ak> .. Ak> .. Ak> Rajan Ak> Sathish
Ak> Is there any operator like [A-S] ? as in Sybase...
1) select empname from emp where empname like 'A%' and empname like
'B%' ....
2) select ename from emp where substr(ename,1,1) in ('A','B',....)
Ak> Thanks.
Ak> Arul.