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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: 7.3.4 -> 8.1.6: Upgrade/Migrate? Or Install/Import
On Mon, 20 Nov 2000, Yexley Robert D SSgt AFIT/SCA wrote:
> Option 1) Migrate the database by using the Oracle Migration tool (of course
> backing everything up first).
> Option 2) Backup server, Export full database, remove Oracle from the system
> completely, do a clean install of Oracle 8.1.6, then import the data into
> the new database.
> Part of this project is going to include a re-organization of our
> tablespaces, as we now have a few additional hard drives to use, and would
> like to spread things out a little better to improve performance by reducing
> disk contention. That part of the project was why I thought that it might
> just be easier to go with Option 2 instead.
If you have the disk space and the time, I would chose Option 2.
First, you have a brand new install, with none of the built up junk from the
previous install.
Second, as you mentioned, you are doing a reorg anyway, and what better time to
lay out the tablespace structure than by building a shell then populating it
with data.
Third, the possibility of going through the upgrade process from 7.3.4 to
8.1.6, only to find out it didn't work and having to restore from backups and
export/import would make me think twice about going that route. If you have the
disk space to hold the dump files, I would go about the export/instance
creation/import route.
Just my $0.02 (having just reorged a 500GB database this past weekend in this exact manner, as it absolutely would not take an upgrade from 8.0.5 to 8.1.6 through the normal means).
-- "The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth." --Niels BohrReceived on Mon Nov 20 2000 - 16:28:30 CST