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I don't know much about webdb, but it sounds like you need to put a default
value for the parameter in the procedure. Then hopefully webdb can just
pass the 3 parameters and it should use the default value for the other.
-----Original Message-----
From: Nguyen, Long []
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 11:40 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Create form in webdb
I am new to webdb and using webdb to develop a simple application. I have gone through the tutorial. If you have used webdb pls see if you could help me out here. Much appreciated.
What I want to do is
Create a form based on a stored procedure,
and the procedure has 4 IN parameters and the form has 4 fields for the user to type in
The problem I have is that I want one of the input fields to be optional, and if the user does not put in any value, then the form would pass a NULL value for this parameter to the procedure behind the scence.
How can I do it?
(With my form so far if the user does not put in a value in the field the form does not pass any value to the procedure and so I got "Invalid cursor" error message when running the form). Received on Wed Nov 15 2000 - 08:12:25 CST