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I use local naming, not names server, but have always in the past setup a test box using the same sid as prod. So far, I have not experienced any problems. As long as the machine name/host ip address is different, you should be fine.....
Also, keeping the same sid is very convenient in order to be able to restore prod to test without the hassle of re-creating the controfiles (which I had to do only this am:>)
"Michael Ray" <> on 11/15/2000 10:45:25 AM
Please respond to
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <>
Subject: Duplicate database question
I have finally got a test box of some sort set up and have restored an old
backup of our production database on it. It is my understanding that the 2
databases can have the same instance names since they are on different machines.
All I should have to do is add an entry in the names server with a different
service name pointing to the test box. Is there anything I am missing before I
do this? I have not started the listener on the test box yet to make sure nobody
could get in outside the server.
I seem to recall a subthread in the past couple weeks regarding database unique IDs. Do I need to worry about this? I would expect these would be the same value for both since I restored from a backup to make my test db.
Michael Ray
Oracle DBA
TRW, Marshall, IL
217-826-3011 x2438
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