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RE: Redo a Tablespace

From: Maser, Donna (SEA) <>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 12:36:10 -0800
Message-Id: <>

  What are the 'ofSAFE' rules that you refer to? - Donna

-----Original Message-----
From: Burton, Laura L. [] Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2000 5:06 AM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Subject: RE: Redo a Tablespace

Thank you for responding to my question. Yes to #4 and #5. An example of this is creating a user REFERENCE to own all the reference (static) tables and have the tables located in one tablespace called REFERENCE_DATA (one for indexes as well). I read in a book awhile back about how recovery might be easier if a user is contained in one tablespace because there is not a export option for tablespace.

When I created the tablespaces that I have I didn't put a whole lot of thought into the size, extents, etc. It's been about a year now since I started this, and now I am finding articles which address issues on tuning and fragmentation. Needless to say I flunked about 7 of the 12 rules of SAFE. Now I want to correct earlier mistakes. It would probably be easier to just call the tablespace something else and cut out some of the steps I listed, but I like the naming convention I'm using and want to use the same names.

I really appreciate this list and the people like you who respond. Although sometimes we get a little 'testy', it is still a great window of the 'real' world that classes just never seem to get too.

Sorry for the book....Laura

P.S. Thanks for the 'offline' suggestion...that would be easier.


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