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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> is problem on remote or local database?
I've primarily used mysql in the past. To make a connection to a remote server the remote server must be configured to accept a connection from the remote person, otherwise a message is returned stating as such:
> summitau: {3} % mysql -u root -pme -h
> ERROR 1130: Host '' is not allowed to connect
> to this MySQL server summitau: {4} %
I can even understand that. I go into the mysql server on and I grant permissions to user root with password me to connect from (and I can determine databases/tables/rw etc.) And amazingly this is very easy to find in all mysql docs and books.
Oracle, oth, seems to allow a connection from anywhere. I installed Oracle on linux and then I connected to it from a remote server without the need for granting such permission. But this is not my question.
My question is how do you know if the problem making the connection to the remote server is a problem on the client's end or on the remote server's end? As you saw in the mysql example, it's blindingly obvious. In my linux example with oracle I just made some changes to my tnsnames.ora file.
My problem is that I must connect to another remote oracle server (not one I control like I control my linux box) and I cannot make the connection even when I put in all the values that the remote people gave me. I duplicate tnsnames.ora settings that work for my linux connection (only changing the values like sid, hostname ...). Oracle just gives me this rather worthless response:
> ORA-12514: TNS:listener could not resolve SERVICE_NAME given in
> connect descriptor
Perhaps an oracle person would translate this as:
the vlaue you have in (HOST = xxxx) cannot be resolved. So the problem is on the remote end or I have the wrong value for HOST. I would have preferred a more mundane message:
> ORA-12514: TNS:listener could not connect to the HOST name
> you supplied, try, try again
Or does it mean something else?
Because I can do a tnsping:
tnsping devbc
TNS Ping Utility for Intel SVR4 UNIX: Version - Production on 13-NOV-00 08:43:19
(c) Copyright 1997 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Attempting to contact
OK (310 msec)
Ummm maybe it is my SID value.
Maybe it should be:
> ORA-12514: TNS:listener could not connect to the HOST name
> you supplied, try, try again, OR MAYBE you want to connect
> some SID that doesn't exist on the remote server, gues again
Or .... I think you've got to admit that the mysql way is a bit clearer.
Here is an instance when I connect to a remote mysql server and I don't connect to a database, and then I just try and connect to existing databases:
> mysql> show databases
> -> ;
> +----------+
> | Database |
> +----------+
> | cd |
> | dev_itw |
> | itw |
> | mysql |
> | test |
> | ups |
> | zip |
> +----------+
> 7 rows in set (0.19 sec)
> mysql> connect ups;
> ERROR 1044: Access denied for user: 'zipcode@' to database 'ups'
> mysql>
Any clues on trying to determine whether the connect problem is on my end or the remote end would be greatly appreciated.
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