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Book on Java in Oracle8i:
Oracle8 Black Book
The Oracle Professional's Guide to Implementing the Object-Oriented Features of Oracle8 Author: MIKE AULT Disk: CD-ROM Pages: 928 Level: Intermediate to advanced Retail: $49.99 ISBN: 1576101878 Inventory: In stock Qty: Description: Reveals how to use Oracle's new Java development tool and apply it to relational architecture, extensions, and optimization. Shows how to utilize the enhanced support for binary large objects (BLOBS) such as video, sound, fax, and picture data to revolutionize the way corporations use and present data. Explains how object features like inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction are delivered within the domain of a relational database. Teaches how to support existing relational data in an object-based environment with the new database feature Object View. Book Samples Table of Contents Introduction Index Sample Chapter 4Received on Mon Nov 13 2000 - 14:46:22 CST