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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: NT4+oracle8.0.5: OCIW32.dll can't be deleted and finding lock
According to a message I read on Metalink on this topic, you might need to:
Stop the MS DTC service (if it exists) - the distributed transaction
or remove the Oracle directories from the path and then reboot
You might also want to try stopping the SNMP service (if you are using it).
If that doesn't work (or maybe first) then try to find out what process is locking the dll file:
net file - from cmd prompt
this will tell you files being accessed through the network
tlist taskname
tlist is from the NT4 resource kit and don't know if it works under Win 2000
tlist no params will give you all the tasks running tlist taskname (or number) will tell you the dll's, drv's, exe's etc being accessed by that task - useful if you can't delete a dll because it is in use can only do one task at a time (though could write a for loop to doall at once)
nthandle / handleex
available from
I have had these occassionaly miss an open / locked dll from the list of open files
(hence why tlist is mentioned above) But very handy in that it is easy to search for an open file (can doall open files at once)
Bruce Reardon
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Pall []
Sent: Tuesday, 14 November 2000 8:17
Have you removed _ALL_ Oracle services?
Take a look at your control panel/services applet (if that still exists in
or your registry.
> hi,dbas,
> i encounted a problem when i delete Oracle8.0.5 on my win2000 server.
> i first stopped the oracle service in the control panel, and then delete
the entries in the registry , the the third stop to
delete the oracle directory in the explorer. but the file ociw32.dll can't
be deleted, with the error message" file in use.". i
restarted the nt box and the error still exists.
> what shall i do to delete that file?
> can someone give me some advice?
> thanks very much.
Received on Mon Nov 13 2000 - 16:30:48 CST