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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> (Fwd) Re: Interesting article - Cloning NetWare... [Oracle/Novell relationship problems]
On 9 Nov 2000, at 9:16, wrote:
Oh, those Timpanogas guys. They're the ones who hate Novell with a passion. The article has it right, this is a revenge play - they just want to kill off NW. I've been doing my best to ignore them, although after all the discussion on Joe D's list recently about Oracle desupporting NetWare, they did post something about some tools to help Oracle on NW admins migrate to Oracle on Linux, so maybe there's something useful there. Maybe.
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Newsgroups: bit.listserv.novell
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 17:36:28 -0400 Reply-To: Novell LAN Interest Group <NOVELL_at_LSV.SYR.EDU> From: Net Support <Net_Support_at_ITA.DOC.GOV> Subject: Re: Oracle - NetWare (Novell's Response)Comments: To:
OK, here is Novell's response to the Oracle desupport notice (had to get Novell's permission to post this - so realize that it is very carefully written):
Oracle recently shifted strategic focus toward its appliance initiative. Many customers are already running the database on a dedicated server and the applications from either another server or on a client workstation. Novell's caching appliance is a great example of this model. We believe this is a good strategy for Oracle and we will continue to support them and work with them in this endeavor.
As a result of this shift in strategy and in an effort to reduce porting and support costs, Oracle is in the process of end-of-lifing many of the platforms it previously supported. When Novell announced the release of NetWare 6 with the new roadmap for NetWare, Oracle took the opportunity to announce that support of NetWare will end with the NetWare 5.x platform. At this time, Novell will continue to distribute a five-user version of Oracle 8i with NetWare 5.x. Oracle will continue to provide support for Oracle 8i on NetWare 5.x through Dec. 31, 2004.
2. Oracle is still supporting NT/2000 platforms, so why not NetWare?
Oracle is in the process of end-of-lifing many of the platforms it previously supported. For the last two and a half years, Novell included a free version of Oracle with NetWare. Our research indicates customers have chosen to use this version and not purchase the upgrade from Oracle. This had the opposite effect of what both parties hoped to accomplish with the bundle. This diluted the income once previously received for the platform and thus the business decision to end-of-life support for NetWare 5.x along with the other targeted platforms.
3. Does it hurt NetWare's strategic value not having Oracle in the box?
No, with NetWare 6 the strategic value is built upon the services it will provide along with the integration capabilities it will offer. With NetWare 6 we want customers to be able to choose the best of breed database(s), collaboration tool(s), directory(s) and storage. We'll tie it all together to make it more reliable, scalable, deployable, manageable and secure while still making these solutions easier to use than any of our competitors can. NetWare 6 and future versions will deliver on this vision.
4. What alternatives do current NetWare customers have when their
Oracle software is no longer supported?
Customers still have some time and choices. Oracle stated in its letter that the end of Error Correction Support for all Oracle products on Novell NetWare 3.x, 4.x and 5.x platforms will be effective Dec. 31, 2001. Extended Assistance Support for Oracle on these NetWare platforms will end on Dec. 31, 2004. Novell encourages customers to ensure they have the appropriate software revisions and any problems they have should be reported to Oracle before the December 2001 End of Error Correction Support date.
At this time customers may choose from the following options:
NetWare 5.1 and the Novell Small Business Suite 5.1 will continue to include a five-user version of Oracle 8i at this time. In addition, NetWare 5.1, Novell Small Business Suite 5.1 and NetWare 6 will continue to offer the latest versions of Pervasive's SQL 2000 database. This is an unlimited server license, two-user client license. Oracle software will not be included in NetWare 6. Whether or not additional databases from other leading vendors will be included in NetWare 6 is undetermined at this time.
6. Has Novell notified customers of the upcoming changes and their
options in the future?
At this time there have been no additional letters sent to our mutual customers other than the desupport notice that was mailed in September 2000 by Oracle. We are actively working with Oracle and other partners to ensure our customers can continue to use our products to run their businesses the way they do today.
7. How will Novell help customers with the transition that faces
them, whether that means losing their support or changing database applications?
Though not yet available, we plan to have lined up a variety of choices in the way of upgrades and/or migration paths if customers need them when Oracle support is ended.
8. Will these changes affect Novell revenue?
No, our research indicates that our customers purchased NetWare 5.1 for the merits and features of the product, not specifically for the five-user Oracle CD. NetWare 6 * with its enhanced SMP support, up to 32-node cluster support and IBM WebSphere * provides ISVs with the perfect platform to build and run applications and databases that require high scalability and fault tolerance.
This response come to us from:
Ammen Harper Product Manager Database Products and Relationships
When I asked in a phone conversation who to contact at Oracle to find out more or see if we can get the decision reversed, I got the same contact information that Al Hidalgo posted earlier. Please write to me offline if you need phone numbers. Received on Thu Nov 09 2000 - 19:15:08 CST
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